Disclosure: The testimonials/endorsements included in this website abide by word of mouth marketing standards. The testimonials shared all over our websites were received unsolicited from people that used our products or services and then wrote in to share their experiences. In all the years since 1995 there have only been 6 exceptions to this where I asked 6 people who knew me personally to say something about working with me and they agreed and those got posted as well. I only use initials and don't post the location where the people wrote from or occupation to protect privacy. Furthermore Elprehzleinn has been run as a form of "mission" since 1995 and no profits have been made. All money received from sales or donations has been re-invested in continuing this work and the basic costs of operation. At this time many of our premium products and services are offered without requiring you to sign up or to pay up front, or at all. Although we do appreciate donations and we do offer some things that cost and recommend some programs through affiliates links that we get paid for if you buy something.
JoreJj, love, love your words.
JoreJj, thank you for your good work, powerful
and inspirational home programs, they have
lifted me from ashes to where i am today. Through
your programs i have finished my degree successfully
and attained high honors. Thank you God bless
you for the good work you are doing. Regards."
Click here to listen to JoreJj describe the one success that brings all other success
Click here if you are interested in the 2-3 month tailor-fit success consulting package that is the only one that JoreJj currently is offering at this time.
Click here to contact me personally.
However what really matters is YOU and your life and that is what we can focus on if you like. In order to enjoy and explore the personal consulting options with me at this time it requires you to contact me personally so we can communicate in person about what is offered, and what you want. I have a very clear program I offer for the personal consulting and you can see the outline for that if you click here.
If that attracts you, if you feel like finding our more, contact me and I can explain it to you. Don't worry, I am not in the mood currently for selling anything. I am in the mood for meeting interesting people that want to do incredible things with their life, using what I have available to share after decades of experience with this stuff. Use any of the social media below to contact me. If you are interested in the digital books you can enjoy without having any personal contact with me, click here for those.
I'm gathering the most insightful introspective
mindsets on love to hold that space for others
to achieve I can't think of anyone on this earth
who is that more than you. I consider it an
honor to have met you experienced you to continue
to know you. To me you are the most amazing
man on this planet."
Proudly online since 1995!
Regarding JoreJj's astrological aspect in his natal chart, The Grand Trine in Water: -"This is the figure, par excellence, for probing into the hidden mysteries of Life." starwheel.wordpress.com
"The Water Grand Trines tend to possess the most in-depth creative potential. The Water element is the most comfortable of all the signs when dealing with emotions and the spiritual realm. The Water Grand Trine individual will typically experience life with an emotional intensity. The Water element signs react to life's events at a seemingly subconscious level; instinctively. They tend to "feel" their choices rather than needing to think about them first, and their intuition is usually correct. The Water Grand Trine individual is your best ally since they have the best tools in place to help heal, nurture and transform." LunarLiving.org “Though it may appear that luck falls into the life of a person with a grand trine, he or she has actually done a great deal to bring it about. It is just accomplished with such relative ease that little or no effort is visible. A grand trine in the element of water indicates that you have great ease in the emotional arena of life (water ruling the emotions) and an unusual depth of feeling and empathy for others.” MyAstrologyBook.com I am a commander of my own reality with purely benevolent outcomes for all concerned. I willingly choose to allow my unseen friends and inner counsel of love and my higher self and the divine being who is ever-present to be partners in my life in all areas. I choose to live in dominion creating my own reality with the inner team like that.
My deepest desire is to consciously create reality together with a female body conveying a female spirit in sacred sexual life partnership together that is mutually awake and aware of being true spiritual family with each other, living together, working together, together consciously creating our reality, our life TOGETHER. This is obviously something that can only be defined together as we begin to share our values and where we are at to put our lifes together. I needed to mention that here.
"The art of Peace I practice has room for each of the world's eight million gods, and I cooperate with them all. The God of Peace is very great and enjoins all that is divine and enlightened in every land." - Morihei Ueshiba, founder of AIKIDO
I also need to say up front that even though it is common to speak of God in the masculine I don't believe in God nor do I consider them to be the divine being because I don't think the divine being is a male entity. I do know that God exists, I just don't subscribe to the all male patriarchal value system and rather feel aligned to something else.
That something else is that I feel that my relationship with the divine being is with the one being that is neither male nor female, GODddess, or rather I prefer their many other names such as Love Itself, the Divine Being, the Omnipresent One, and so forth. Therefore, even though Amazon classifies many of the books I wrote in Spirituality and Religion, I am not religious. I was raised Christian against my will. That was a choice my soul made for me clearly. And that is how the soul works I feeI that which is called the way the soul helps us find our way and make our own choices in life. The "wounding of the soul" as it is called is a great thing to make peace with, a huge help to choosing one's destiny and consciously creating the life. I have made peace with that ,and with my genetic family in that regard. It was a lot of work to do so, and extremely worthwhile. Having made peace with that which I call the "old love" and now freer and more open to the "new love". The old love being that which was taken on not by choice in the developing years, and the new love being the love desired and worked for and created by conscious choice.
My choice is that the all that is I feel is neither male nor female, they are ONE, and we are friends forever.
Furthermore, my life is joyfully dedicated due to the fun factor to the following through with the unbelievable ideas and values and concepts of the legendary Elprehzleinn Family Story and the Elprehzleinn business corporation project and the ideas and values of consciously creating reality as a lifestyle, not a curiousity rather a responsibility to live that way. The Elprehzleinn websites have been online since 1995 when Voon Muhn Rahn and I together were, we feel and know, inspired by the All That Is directly to do so. We launched with the main text you can still see today entitled, "What Is A Body" and much has unfolded exactly as it was foreseen since that time.
JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn 2014 I started doing this work about 1987, even before I ever consciously knew about Elprehzleinn or met Voon Muhn Rahn. I formally structured the idea of the business corporation by 1989. Been doing this full time in all it's facets ever since then. For the business history/dream unfolding click here.
Even though the Elprehzleinn websites were once addressed in San Diego, CA because I used to live there and was married and ten years later divorced there I currently am staying in a beautiful, private, luxurious apartment in the incredible city of Montreal in the unbelievably great and mysterious country of Canada where I was born. The websites are officially addressed in Ontario, Canada.
Since my highest vision is a consciously creating together consciously love making consciously sacred sexual relationship with a female body conveying and awake to her female spirit I am not sure how wherever I am at now in life will unfold in terms of future dreams and locations and business projects and so on. Because I know that the power of getting together like that is so great and so fun and so amazing and unbelievable that only myself and that person could determine together by our being together what we together want to create together. As we bring to our meeting with each other in this lifetime our respective dreams and projects and circumstances and weave them together in conscious love and conscious reality creation.
I didn't have children with the woman I was married to because I already had four beautiful and amazing children under incredible circumstances (one not by blood) who are now amazing adults contributing wonderful things to the world and all whom I am incredibly pleased and proud to know as much as I do. I had those children with three different beautiful women who all knew each other and were part of the same spiritual community at the time, all around the same few years. Since then I don't have or want anymore children.
all these things may contribute to making me an attractive
person for some very right people to be with in most incredible
ways I needed to say these things up front for reasons that
are now taken care of by my saying so. The
Elprehzleinn products and services including spending
time with me works out incredibly well for people who do so
for a reason, and one of the reasons is how I do things, and
how we do things, and how we are, and the choices we make
are different and unique from anywhere or anybody else. And
we expect you to value your own uniqueness and are here to
help you discover that and bring that fully alive. <
JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn is the
name given to identify a particular body that contains a spiritual
being that may be much more than the body itself as we all
are. Therefore finding out about who is JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn
is something we truly recommend that you do in your own way
on your own terms and preferably by getting to know him personally.
That can be quite fun and very amazing with purely benevolent
outcomes for all concerned and the fact that JoreJj has the
tendency to hang out with Love Itself pretty much all the
time adds to the value of it. Although JoreJj has momentary
amnesia about his truly divine friendship with the Love that
Has No Name from time to time he generally holds that consciousness
in quite an extraordinary manner. 2.
Which you could see is quite an asset, or SKILL, when being
human and being involved in matters concerning being human.
Thus JoreJj tends to have the effect of greatly improving
the human condition in all kinds of ways wherever he is, and
with whomever he is with. And this seems to be happening pretty
much all the time. Not to say that dark forces within himself,
and others, and in the world don't find this slightly annoying
to say the least however that is something we are all handling
together with divine love so no problemo right? 3.
JoreJj truly has spent a great deal of time
regarding all this wondering and determining and understanding
how it is that the idea of GOD got taken out of the idea of
GODdess and the impact that has had on our world. He knows
that looking for the ONE is not a romantic endeavour but rather
a search that leads to the ONE BEING who is the true supreme
authority, the LOVE ITSELF and not any kind of GOD at all. 4.
JoreJj knows that Lovers can find this ONE
who is neither male nor female and yet is both when they join
together sexually whether they are consciously knowing the
one being that way or any other way or not. JoreJj feels that
cultivating and building the divine relationship with the
one being is absolutely imperative to life going very well
at all and JoreJj feels the concept and programming and various
things relating to GOD often interfere greatly with people
having a love relationship with the ALL THAT IS and this also
affects lovers from being together easily and beautifully
enjoying what being lovers truly has to offer. 5.
JoreJj cares very much about doing something
about making all that much better. 6.
His favorite story is the one where we are
all from another place outside of this world that is completely
beautiful and that explains what this world is and why were
are in it. He doesn't believe the story though he loves it
because JoreJj believes it is better not to have any beliefs.
Therefore JoreJj likes to hold outrageous ideas such as that
we each already are fully
realized divine spiritual beings living in bodies in this
world through no fault of our own and that we can actually
tap into the purity and love and empowerment of the beings
we truly are and live like that in this world. 7.
JoreJj was involved with sports in a big way
at an early age which led to becoming skilled as a hockey
player at what was recognized by at least one person anyways
as the semi-pro level. His passion for sports was actually
a passion for understanding the well-being of the body and
this led to dropping most sports as
yoga and dance and massage and other healing arts were
discovered. JoreJj is now highly accomplished in all those
areas. However being highly accomplished in yoga probably
doesn't mean much to most people as it seems common to think
of yoga as physical exercises you do in a room with other
people and a teacher up front. Which has very little to do
with what yoga really means, or what yoga is really about.
And JoreJj knows this. 8.
JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn is quite conscious and
aware that he is a spiritual being with a soul and spirit
and many levels and layers of existence in various levels
of consciousness. He is able to be aware of past lives and
to help other people tap into theirs in a way that empowers
this life. 9.
He has spent most of
his adult life building and achieving the dream of realizing
the mission
of the Elprehzleinn so-called, "business". That
endeavour has had him primarily involved in a lot of things
at a very so-called professional level and sometimes much
more than professional as a business entrepreneur. This means
regarding understanding matters of financial, taxation, running
a business, organization, time management, sales, marketing,
partnership, selling shares, corporate structure, relating
with the government. 10.
He is a great innovative creative genius who
constantly comes up with new ideas and produces work and foresees
the future in the area of electronic
media communication which involves all kinds of things
for media design, publishing, marketing, social media, and
all kinds of software and skills for doing all that. His skill
level with software for media design includes Adobe Premiere,
iMovie, digital audio creation and digital audio editing,
YouTube publishing, Facebook pages, Twitter, Photoshop, e-on
softwares VUE 3D digital nature production, Smith Micro's
"Poser" software for character animation, Dreamweaver
web publishing software, app development and design, 1shoppingcart.com
e-commerce software, Wordpress design and maintenance, Posterous
blogging, integration and coordination of multiple social
media platforms into one organized system. 11.
JoreJj has been at the forefront of many developments
in technology. He was noted to be one of the first people
to ever produce digital video on a laptop, he was involved
with producing CD-ROM when they first came out, is an innovator
in interactive technology for the web, and has studied the
the digital motion picture industry since before it began
extensively and developed an array of techniques and technologies
in that regard by working on projects. 12.
Not only is he a highly organized and very
reliable ultra professional entrepreneur, designer, and producer
in the area of communication media primarily for internet
and a visionary in that field and in the field of yoga he
is also deeply trained and highly aware in the absolutely
unheard of field of spiritual sexuality and the power of true
love and true lovers and what they have to deal with here
in the world. This goes way beyond TANTRA, KAMA SUTRA, AIKIDO,
or any kind of dating, romance, or TWIN FLAME knowing and
being. Although he knows from experience and study a lot about
all those things. 13.
His last name has been spoken out loud in the
office of the President of the United States, and JoreJj partnered
with the fashion designer Barbara
Hirsh providing business support and spiritual support
on a number of extraordinary projects they did together including
designing an outfit for Britney Spears that made a major contribution
to the launch of her career. JoreJj has a tendency to generate
stellar success with any body who truly commits and puts in
the effort to work with him in his role as "personal
development consultant". 14.
JoreJj has helped a wide range of individuals
to excel beyond their limits in the chosen field and with
their sales from doubling their investment capital raised,
breaking sales limits, helping a professional basketball player
already known as a top scorer to increase his points per game,
to helping people that are completely down and out and broke
with to recover financially and in other ways. 15.
He has helped people that had hopeless diseases
and medical conditions that doctors said were uncurable to
show up in such a way that the doctors wrote a report in the
medical journals saying that something incurable got cured
somehow. As well as helping people diagnosed with something
to show up later after that diagnosis and the doctors saw
no sign of it anymore. 16.
JoreJj has helped people whose marriage was
for all intents and purposes OVER to find the joy and love
again and more than ever with a renewed love and sexuality.
JoreJj has helped women open up to the love they can have
in their life and attract and live the relationships they
truly wanted but couldn't have. 17.
JoreJj has a life long interest in what is
called the "divine body" or could otherwise be known
as the immortal body. The immortality of the soul and spirit
literally manifested into this earthly realm. He has tremendous
and unusual experience and experiences with this and with
beings and people involved with this. 18.
Infamously for a time JoreJj worked for the
largest pornography distributor in the world who at the end
of their time together told JoreJj that he would "owe
him for the rest of his life" and JoreJj helped who we
feel and know is the current King of Hawaii to legally get
his family name back. Of course there really isn't a recognized
King of Hawaii so we can just pretend that never happened.
Even though it did and his name really is restored now. JoreJj
also spent ten years with the former body and the current
spiritual force of the now so-called Justin Bieber helping
him to envision and prepare for what he is now doing. Meaning
JoreJj worked with him in his other body where he was very
conscious of what he was planning to do and is now doing it.
And now JoreJj is currently challenged with the fact that
the new body has amnesia of all that even though the spirit
is awake and still working with JoreJj on all that they foresaw
together regarding all that, the other body was cremated due
to it died. So that has been a new adventure for JoreJj and
certain other people adding depth to his spiritual experience
of this lifetime in HIS current JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn body. 19.
JoreJj is highly capable with working with
the mind regarding various forms of so-called body healing
and has a long list of seemingly miraculous healing experiences
in this regard with self and others. His experience with various
forms of high level healing is extensive. 20.
He feels certain after reading the Dalai
Lama's website that the current Dalai Lama is actually
The Buddha himself and JoreJj finds comfort in this seeing
that the Buddha himself in the current Dalai Lama incarnation
is visiting so many world leaders. JoreJj loves all those
photos of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the Dalai
Lama facebook page with the world leaders. 21.
JoreJj has quite an amazing track record regarding
helping people in the area of "personal development"
as a form of "consultant". He designed an incredibly
effective system for doing so along with his unique abilities
to help people on a case by case basis. He has helped a guru
transcend his own success and often helps people break their
lifetime financial records and JoreJj knows a phenomenal amount
of things about financial matters and love even though those
two things don't always seem to go together he feels they
always should and lives it that way. JoreJj is really amazing
as a computer animation artist and a designer in many areas. 22.
JoreJj has single-handedly, (he actually used
both hands) designed, developed, and maintained all the Elprehzleinn
websites and the art and writing and video production and
everything on the sites is by his own hand SINCE THE INTERNET
BEGAN to be used for business. That's about 1995 btw. JoreJj
is very well versed in "social media" and pretty
much envisioned most of what is happening that is important
in the world now in forms of future seeing that he does. He
has done a fair number of websites for other people too and
has a tendency to launch people into bigger success than they
ever had before using the internet as a launch pad. 23.
As we said, better to get to know him in person
your self, or through the effect his work and presence and
being together can have on your own life. Otherwise it all
seems rather unbelievable until you experience him for yourself.
When and if you do that, who knows what could happen? :) We
know that it must be purely benevolent outcomes for all concerned,
because we command and demand it to be so in the name of the
Love that Has No Name. And so it is. 24.
In addition to all that JoreJj
Z. Elprehzleinn has many years of professional training and
professional experience with online financial market trading.
This includes trading stocks, options, forex, and with a speciality
in futures trading. JoreJj has extensive experience in all
of this over a long period of time including innovating and
developing a unique method and practice that incorporates
the wisdom and knowledge he has from the other areas of his
work and life including the areas of spiritual sexuality.
He made many choices in his financial market training and
development that involved women and doing the trading with
women rather than the traditional male focused ideas and models.
This led to amazing and powerful discoveries and unique secrets
of the brain and chemistry and how that all relates to the
financial market work in most fascinating, profitable, and
fun ways. His developments basically in summary with women
transformed the practice and experience of trading into a
feeling of ease, pleasure, joy, fun, and laughter doing something
extremely challenging in a disarmingly happy way and the value
and empowerment that brings to it. 25.
During and just after college
and university in addition to teaching dance, yoga, and doing
massage professionally JoreJj worked as a Circulation Manager
for the Montreal Gazette and held many different jobs in high-end
home renovation leading to his first business in interior
design. JoreJj continues to express his talent as a designer
in the area of the home and has given many consultations on
home design energetics to others over the years. "Dear JoreJj , I finally
came around to listening to your guest appearance on the
Show. WOW! You came in "right up there" with
your knowledge and perspective and congratulations for holding
it together like a true gentleman! Your concept of True
Love - its energy, its power, its life giving force is so
spot on - I could relate to it both intellectually and experientally.
" Spiritually Yours, A.xxooo "JoreJj , You seem like
a dedicated being, having accumulated a wealth of knowledge
in your relentless pursuit of truth....and that is truly
inspiring. Your presence on earth is truly appreciated.
Perhaps one day there will be many functioning out of 100%
integrity and a source of unlimited, ever expanding creativity...
"I think this is good
work that you are doing. Thanks." - D. "Thank you. I read your
email and cried....You have the most generous heart and
every time we communicate I feel this great gift of receiving.-V.C. "JoreJj , "Hi JoreJj , JoreJj
Z. Elprehzleinn is a Spiritual Entertainment Specialist.
Helping spiritual beings here on earth to seriously have
fun and get real results in the form of success in all areas,
playing the game of life with True Love, and mind power
excellence. Objectivity
creating greater focus and understanding in close relationships.
Personal harmony and individual expression. Playing an important
part in the development of successful family groups. Demonstrating
ideals of service to humanity with practical application
of those ideals. Expressing excellence along many lines
of endeavour; for example, in finance, education, entertainment,
and appreciation of the law and government. Good
business judgment, independence, and positivity combined
with a keen sense of responsibility to help and direct others,
often assisting those in positions of authority. Having
a creative quality, JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn excels in interactive
design. Financial
independence is very important and part of his role is to
accumulate for the benefit of and in service to others,
while remaining caution not to allow this emphasis on materiality
to dominate financial accumuation efforts to the exclusion
of the more relaxed aspects of daily living. The
Elprehzleinn family name stands for qualities of service
to humanity with practical application of those ideals.
Whether we are being inspirational or practical, this surname
allows the expression of excellence along many lines of
endeavour; for example, in finance, education, entertainment,
or law. Good
business judgment, independence, and positivity combined
with a keen sense of responsibility to help and direct others,
often leads to positions of authority. Having such a creative
quality, members of this family excel in design, interior
decorating, composition, art, and music. "JoreJj , Thank you for
sending me those inspiring emails. " "Mr Elprehzleinn, I am
really grateful for your gift and I am really surprised
by such a generous abundant and helpful being that you are.
You have very unique character that is really rare in these
days. Thank you very much for this very precious gift and
I ask God THE ONE and ONLY God to increase and sustain your
prosperity and abundance and to manifest all your desires
in this life and to give you guidance of what is best for
you in this life and in the after life . " "JoreJj I believe in you.
I believe in what you say is true. There are alot of phony
people out there, but your're not one of them." "You were in my life at
the beginning of my new life and because of you I am now
on the track that I want to be. You were the first person
who opened my eyes....I am deeply grateful for that...never
forget that." "BELOVED JoreJj , "What can I say except
the biggest THANK YOU I can give out. NEVER, EVER, have
I been in contact with someone who is as giving and wonderful
as yourself. I will always buy your products because, what
you have shown me in the short time I have been in contact
with you is, YOU ARE THE REAL DEAL, when it comes to, love,
truth, honesty and benevolence and, you really do want the
best for your fellow beings. "My family and I want
to thank you again for all your fine work!!!. You have definitely
helped me change my life and I will always be grateful.
Bless you for your kindness and generosity when I needed
you most. May your life always be filled with love, joy
and haoppiness. You are one of a kind!!!" L.H. "Dear sir , regards.V Elprehzleinn It promotes ambition and leadership,
with a keen sense of honesty and justice for all. Self-confidence,
perceptivity, and calmness of mind, even under stressful
conditions, are traits that will allow you to handle your
responsibilities with clarity and stability. |
was born with:
Jupiter in Aquarius, (Jupiter In Capricorn in Vedic Astrology)
"There may
be no rational relationship between topics to other people,
but to Gemini Midheaven, they can piece it all together and
apply it to their world."
"People born
with their Midheaven in Gemini will likely have Virgo on the
ascendent, and this adds a celestial lightness, intellect
and playfulness to the expression...Ideas seem to materialize
out of thin air for them...What may express as a seemingly
airy and somewhat scattered nature is a certain detachment
holding together an exceptional world of learned knowledge.
It is said the best kind of clever are those who know how
to hide it, and with Midheaven here, these individuals are
incredible at surprising others with their random outbursts
of insight. " If you are interested in finding out
how your destiny information can help you in your life then
make a wonderful gift for you and visit my site www.DestinyLoveCards.com.
JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn about 1992 Intending to Provide the Absolute Best in Personal Development With Purely Benevolent Outcomes for All Concerned. Please make sure you have read our DISCLAIMER click here before you read all these testimonials or enroll or sign up to use our free or paid products and services. Thanks.
And here is what people say about me:
"I really want to say
"Thank You" from the bottom of my heart for your
generosity, warmth, kindness and your spirit for helping others
navigate their life. I am so very grateful to have found your
websites and to you for your help and for passing on your
knowledge and deep understanding. Thank you once again."
"Dear JoreJj: You are genuinely a good person; I believe that is why the God-all blesses you. In turn, you bless us by doing all these wonderful things to make our lives better. I remember Mother Teresa and others who gave and did whatever it took, all out of the goodness of their hearts. I remember my own sister whom after ending up with a huge amount of uneaten/left-over food from a Thanksgiving Day celebration one year, took all of it to a homeless shelter in San Diego; it was very much well received. A week later, she went to Barona and won $39K at the machines. I bring that up here because yes, I do believe that the "spirit" does work even when you least expect it. Thank you JoreJj, I appreciate all you do.
I await the release of your subliminal video.I wish only greater
things for you and all that you do to help mankind. "
"I wish you tremendous
success! You are a life changer."
(My best friend) says I’ve changed so much to the positive,
and it must be your excellent influence. (this past year)"
"You are the worlds top wordsmith!!!!!
Wow!!! You are the best and please know you are appreciated!!!
I wish everybody was you."
JoreJj , "Thanks once again for your most considerate
and focused reply, designed especially for me. That is the
way it should be. That is the way I believe people should
relate to each other; directly without embellishments or insincere,
shabbily fabricated responses.You eloquently articulate your
wisdom in a way that is utterly painless to the receiver.
I appreciate that."
"Thank you for working to help Humanity".
"You have the most vibrant generous soul
I have ever met."
Thank you JoreJj . You are a gem.
"You are the most spiritual person I
have had the fortune to know."
"...I was drawn to your higher frequency of integrity and light..." N.G.R.
"I'm very happy for your
efficiency and courtesy! Amazing work! Thank
"JoreJj Z., Connecting with You is an honor. Thank You! I feel very inspired by the radiant light You are and the miraculous wisdom You share. Shine,"
"JoreJj : Thank you for
being a blessing in my life, which has become The Ultimate
Adventure since our meeting."
"I know WOW is RIGHT…..Thank you for all that you do for me….I hope you know how much it means for me to have a you working on the relaunch of my business I believe that we are going to have a wonderful time working together I know you are the BEST …the BEST in the WORLD!! Cheers! To U&ME" B.H.
"JoreJj , I just want to tell you that
I really appreciate you for who you are - Best regards,"
"...it's rare that you find someone (as
I have in you) that CAN be trusted."
"My dear JoreJj
"Hello JoreJj . Thank you very much for
showing the way. I am very happy i found your message to the
world. Thank God for that. Bless you. All the best for you."
"You are the salt of the earth."
"Thank you so much, your generosity is
"I thank you so much for being a true
human being your heart is good the world needs more JoreJj
there are not enough of you i cannot thank you enough i will
not say god bless you because he already has you have given
me a tool and oneday you will here from me once again a million
thanks your friend and student forever."
"I was not feeling well at all, but when i saw you, I started feeling better and better....i received such a healing and loving flowing energy from you that instantly I started feeling better and recovered my spirits... it was simply magical and my soul started
feeling happiness and good humour....and thank you so much
for being there.....now whenever I feel not well I will go
and see your video. I doubted whether tell this or not....but
YES you must know the good effect that your presence can cause
in others. Great idea sending your video, JoreJj !!"
"Thank you for the many opportunities
you have offered to us all to further our personal development
in challenging but non-threatening fun ways. I have watched
you develop and greatly admired the very risky step of offering
your programmes for free or for an individual's contribution
according to their means. It was a brave move and one you
tried with few regrets, I'm sure. I wish you a future filled
with energy, curiosity and adventure.
You have the most amazing "idea-brain".
"You are a great and gifted healer....that
is why I followed you in the first place x."
"You are as true as they get. I pray
you can continue to do you work and be able to help as many
people as possible while staying in good financial condition
your self. You are so generous for what you did for me and
I would thank you many times every day if I could. Keep up
the Great work."
"Dear JoreJj
"JoreJj --
"This is great JoreJj! Fantastic job!
You're amazing and you're making an
impact in so many peoples lives on such a grand scale and
know that!!! Remember it every day and continue to do it.
Because in making people happy you are making yourself happy
"Thanks for awakening us."
"Hi JoreJj , Thank you so much for writing
back. You really are an incredible man. You must be inundated
daily with thousands of emails and yet you give the personal
touch. Truly amazing...smile... I acknowledge you for the
best customer service on the net -next to mine of course..lol."
"Your words are and have been so truly
loving, I sincerely appreciate them. These words have had
a huge impact on me. You have changed me! "
"You have such goodness of heart."
"You really are a special person"
"JoreJj , I sense that you are very pure.
I don't understand all the details of what you are saying
but it FEELS right."
"I got goosebumps reading this email
from you, you are truly an awesome man. You definitely have
something special swirling all around your life. And just
in this email you've got me down to a "t", I can't
wait to read the Destiny report."
"Dear JoreJj , Namaste from India. I didnt know God still
makes Wonderful People like you!!! I am choked with Gratitude.You
are really all Hearts. Love and Gratitude,"
"Oh JoreJj , I feel so positive and open.
Good things are happening. I want to thank you for all your
wonderfulness. I have art projects forming in my head again!!
this is a real sign of breaking free for me. Thank you so
much for encouraging this. "
"I've known JoreJj for several years. Not only has our collaboration on several projects been of great benefit to myself and my own customers, I've also found him to be a great proponent of personal improvement. In all of my dealings with JoreJj I've been constantly reminded of the potential we all have to transform ourselves into whatever we desire. Thank you JoreJj for your time. It is refreshing
listening to your uplifting words you make me smile, more
than anything."
"So far, it's been impossible to isolate
him in conversation from this determination he has to assist
in the profound changes that other people desire. In a nutshell,
he is probably one of the most giving, dedicated and sincere
people I've ever met in the 'self-help' arena. He acts and
advises on a constant stream of actual experience that makes
what he teaches real, not just content that he can sell. If
you're ready to learn, I mean really learn - what makes you
tick.... JoreJj is there for you."
"Damn, you're good."
"You have no idea just how much, my life
has changed through our connection, I am now a very strong
confident woman, who likes herself, and now ready to step
out and dare to be myself."
"Dear JoreJj , I don't believe what I am reading. Oh, you are wonderful. You almost make me cry. I am so grateful to you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really promise to keep in touch with you and tell you all about what is happening to me. You are the only one who has done this kind of thing. That means you truly are an honest person. I'll be back with you. THANK YOU SO MUCH "
"Thank you JoreJj , I never expected
this and words can not express how much this means to me.
Wow this is exciting and scary at the same time because now
I have no excuses, I will follow your advice to a tee. Again
I thank you so much. "
"Your energy feels warm, really creative
and vibrantly alive and I enjoy reading your communications.
I am really appreciating your energy and the way you are sharing
what you know and enjoy with everyone."
"My heart is just fluttering. O.K. I
am happy."
"You are such a delightful being. Thank
"JoreJj, Thank you SO much! I hardly
know what to say, that is so sweet! I can understand why you
blog, you are very gifted with words."
"Hi JoreJj , I just wanted to tell you that i received your message today in response to my resistance on doing the chapter 4 list. Thank you so much for the prompt reply and for answering so thoroughly. It is really a great feeling to know that you make yourself so available to everyone and are so committed to helping others to change their lives." B.
I'm very touched - and all I can say at this point and time is - thank you from the bottom of my heart. Like I said - although hitting rock bottom - I have never lost confidence in the divine power of God and neither in myself. Lets stay in touch and thank you again, I
will never forget that and take it as one of the miracles
that can happen in life." "JoreJj , I regard you as a highly evolved
being and I admire your work, so much. I bless you in everything
that you do for the highest good for everyone's concern."
"I have always thought of you as the
person that had enough faith in me to get me going in graphic
design...you gave me a bit of a kick start. It has made me
countless thousands and for that I am extremely grateful."
"I truly appreciate your gift to me. Your generosity is proof of your integrity and honors the work you choose to do assisting others to realise the life they seek. Bless you. In gratitude... " C.
"Sincere Thanks. I genuinely appreciate
your help. It's nice to find someone who is truly as committed
to helping others as they claim to be. I don't know how many
times I've heard someone SAY they were committed, only to
be disappointed in the long run. I know you don't know me,
nor I you, but I'm pleased to say I'm proud of you...Congratulations
on NOT procrastinating, and getting this valuable information
out for all of us to share in and improve our lives!"
"I really appreciate your thoughtfulness
and generosity.I actually feel lighter and get a sense there
is something I can do to change my situation. Thanks again
and may the Universe bless you a thousand-fold for your gift
of kindness. "
"I have something to learn from you that
is going to have a profound effect on my life, that I will
never forget. Call it a gut instinct. You have the power to
heal and teach what some of us take a lifetime to figure out
or never learn at all. I am in the box, you are out of the
box. You know exactly what is going on with everything. You
have a lot of knowledge that is very powerful. You are step
ahead of everyone else. No, you are a few steps ahead of everyone
else.You are a very loving and caring man."
"I want you to know that I think you
are an amazing person and I feel blessed to have you in my
life, you having incredible energy thank you for sharing it."
"My first thought, upon arriving on your
site, was: this dude is different!"
"I'm deeply touched by your kind gesture
and I can see that you truly want to share & help others
and make their lives better.I wish you success in all your
endeavours. With love & blessings."
"You’re a very nice person, JoreJj
, I’m glad I met you."
"you are a very wonderful and kind person.
thank you. God is good and that is evident by your kindness."
"I am getting a wonderful good feeling,
interacting with you JoreJj . Thank you."
"You really are very clever."
"I just opened up your email and I am
shocked to say the least! It's refreshing knowing that some
people really do help out and care. I am so grateful for your
spirit and generosity. Believe me I will apply your material
right away and I will spread the word of my results. I'm hoping
that this is the break that I have been waiting for. Thank
you so much. You will absolutely be hearing from me.
"You are the bomb! I like your energy.
You are amazing."
"When (my friend) was here she asked
me how I am doing, I said good, and then said I feel like
my old self again is being awakened, that you have strengthened
me and reminded me of who I am. I said that I feel so lucky
to have met you JoreJj , and that I feel more "myself"
than I have felt in years."
"You are a truly enlightened person and
send out a lovely message. It pops
"I wish that there were more multidimensional
beings of beautiful eternal light like JoreJj Elprehzleinn
(dig the name) to invite and awaken more of us."
"Thank you sooooo much for your support
and the gentleness and kindness of your heart."
"Once again, thank you for sharing the
wisdom you possess to all that yearn for the truth to what
life really is. "
"You are really brave, JoreJj . Brave
to be so honest about everything and share your feelings."
"It's ten minutes or so since we spoke
Saturday night, add another 100 to my gross for the week,
around 6 now."
"Thanx a lot for your book. I appreciate
your gift immensely."
"Thank you for all the beautiful work
done to help us on our journey."
"My best to you and keep up the good
work - you are an absolute inspiration, JoreJj ."
"There have been many things set into
motion since we last corresponded.... there are mighty things
taking place in my life, and an entirely new reality has begun
unfolding. It would seem years of accumulated blessings are
beginning to pour forth all at once; suddenly; unstoppable
manifestations; and an awakening if you will."
"Man I just couldn't wait to talk to
you as (my business partner) told me that he gets inspired
so much after he had a conversation with you. He gave me 10
words, "JoreJj is awesome! You have got to meet JoreJj
"I appreciate your generosity, your gentleness
of spirit, your wizardry, your brilliance, the magnificent
contribution you are to me and your delightfully human way
of being in the world!
"I feel a closeness to you despite the
fact we have never met. That just confirms to me the spiritual
nature of the work we are doing together."
"Thank you so much for the wonderful
"therapy" session yesterday! You have no idea how
much you help me in so many ways! I am so thankful to have
you as a friend (yes...I used that word)."
"Thank you for your compassionate involvement
in other people’s lives. It reminds me of the bodhisattva
who is working in a modern context, but nevertheless, appropriate
for the times."
"You seem like a nice guy."
"I like what you did with the sketch.
I appreciate your creative involvement."
"You are the only person I can talk to
so deeply."
"Thanks very much for your time and it's
my honor to speak with you for 2 hours. You're the man. :)"
"You are divinely guided."
"Thank you JoreJj ! I feel much much
better now! "
"You have a soothing voice. I enjoy talking
to you."
"I chose you for your integrity."
"Once again thanks for being a real person
at the end of emails. I don't usually get answered. Blessing,
keep up the great work."
"Your timing is so accurate. Unbelievably
"I feel your energy as a calming influence."
"I think you are putting your life to
good use, unlike many others, you seek spiritual fulfillment
and mind over matter."
"You have an openess not often found."
"I could tell just from what I had read
already that you were a very special person, a very old soul,
whose purpose was to help and enlighten others."
"I'm getting chills. The Universe is
talking to me."
"I'm not sure whether you consciously or unconsciously put into action one of the principles of the second part of the course by allowing me to solve my own 'problem', but it's always good to see someone puts into practice what they teach. Many Thanks,"
"You are like a father to me."
"You are genuine, generous with your
time, and wise. Thank you for sharing your Self, your beingness,
your authenticity with me."
"Thanks you so very much for your generosity.
I am totally speechless. That was very kind of you."
"You are honest and truthful in the way
you express yourself about your own life. Thanks so much for
your kindness, creativity and support on Saturday. I am really
excited now imagining how awesome this is going to be...is
already. I am officially out of the dread and into creativity."
"Thank you for your great idea! Thank
you for your continued support. Thank you so much for your
soothing message. You're a poet, a philosopher,a writer, a
dancer, a helper and a so loving being in the physical universe
and in mine !"
"I am SO happy to be involved with you,
as I have already experienced many of the benefits of the
magic it holds....I got my first gift before I ever made a
purchase..which was meeting you!"
"I don't know how it works, but it works,
I have received a lot of money."
"Your words have impacted me and helped
me to propel myself forward. I profoundly respect your work."
"Working with you has done a lot of good
things in my life. Lately, I just got a job doing what I want
to do, that pays $100,000 a year and I am the CEO and President.
And I am getting along much better with my lover. The website
you made for me has helped me tremendously with my business."
"Dear JoreJj , you are with so much of
GRACE and helping the world so much, spending so much time
just helping those who suffer and need help. GRACE OF GOD
will always be with you."
"You have certainly given me a powerful
demonstration of the effectiveness of your program. "
"After joining your program an extraordinary
situation opened up in my life and I received back more money
than I put in. A few months later I had the most profitable
month of sales ever in my business, and the month after that
you introduced me to a man who is the one that I have dreamed
of being with for 11 years."
"I have made more money after meeting
you than I ever have in my entire life."
"After working with your program I had
several romantic suitors invite me on weekend trips that they
paid for, I lost my job, and from that crisis ending up getting
a new and better job that pays me a higher salary than I ever
have received in my life."
"If it wasn't for you and the other people
I got in touch with through Elprehzleinn corporation, I would
have never written my book."
"You are my angel."
"This is the future of money, I want
to join. Get ready, a lot of people are going to want to join."
"Your help and counsel are greatly valued"
"Everything you said is true. Everything
you predicted is happening."
"Thank you for being who you are."
"It feels like you are a very content,
happy, fun soul...you have an interest in everything are very
fascinated by the patterns and interactions between beings
- interactions and relationships - people, business.... how
you are is very different to most others we have come across."
"Thanks for that great insight. Thank
you for being so genuinely interested and helpful, and thanks
for helping me in your own universe. That was very unexpected
and greatly appreciated. Many thanks."
"I really treasure having you in my life
and want for you all things you desire....... you are a magnificent
man and spirit and you have my love unconditionally and fully
supportive. "
"You rock."
"JoreJj , I had a major epithany about time management
last night, as a result of your work with me these past two
weeks, in this area. I had ten projects, and I was overwhelmed,
and not accomplishing my goals to my satisfaction. With the help of your coaching I realized
the pattern. If I am doing work, and I am focused on EVERYTHING
that I HAVE to do.... this feeling of stress and being overwhelmed
comes inside of me which makes everything I do take MORE time...
I also realized that my subconcious mind doesn't realize the
concept of the future I realized that "time management" is a concious mind thing. My conscious mind is VERY comfortable if I could have all my time "figured out" and I feel totally safe and balanced with everything "planned out". You helped me experience the reality that planning at the conscious mind level is only a concious mind thing to satisfy an immediate need for certainty and confidence. Therefore, I realized is that I could be 10 times more productive concentrating just on the present moment... and the trick is I have to trust my subconcious mind, my heart, and life itself. And that is just what I did, and I have been having a very fun, relaxed, and productive week, which is worth of lot of money to me. The feeling of being empowered is priceless. thank you for all your help. You have helped me to make a major positive life transformation in less than 2 weeks, that I can use for the rest of my life. After my epiphany I had some enormously great
visions and clarification on how to set up this corporation. |