life transformation, mind power,  money, luck, love, coaching for success,

UPDATE: Our NEW Kindle Book, "Spiritually Generating Real Money" is now available on Amazon. Click here. That book contains a link to the full Ultra Money Manifesting program that we share. So you can buy the book to get the program, AND MUCH MORE, or you can buy the program here, your choice. Enjoy. You don't need a Kindle device to read the Kindle book, it can work on any device using the free Kindle reader.


The Sun, Archangel Raphael



Here are some testimonials about the Interactive Electtronic Workbook software which is mentioned in the $100,000.00 manifesting experiment audio:

"I'm deeply grateful for this gift. This is truly inspired, the work of genius and very complex - all of the symbols, etc. that are incorporated - a display of your extensive vast array of knowledge encompassing so many arenas and venues. Now I won't have to have written journals hidden all over the house (from kids). Even with the many interruptions I've encountered this morning I can easily and willingly (anxiously) get back to it. Doing the lists was on my list of things to do but now I won't have to discipline myself because it's fun and as you say all of the extra components intensify the power behind the process."

The complexity of this journal is simply staggering. It is very apparent and evident that a major part of your being was incubating this for a very long time indeed. Every time I again study the vast array of information contained in the instructions as I'm working with the Journal I'm totally awestricken by the implications of the inherent power this contains. The Journal in its entirety is ingenious, brilliant; it contains a lot of high voltage refined energy, definitely. I get the "blood lightning" sensation throughout my body and am just delighted by this whole experience. It is truly an experience not simply an exercise. It is empowering and energizing and will greatly enhance even day-to-day life, albeit aside from the ultimate transformation aspects."




JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn is a personal coach and consultant, and an artist, who uses the techniques he talks about in his daily life to make a living. His study of these matters is full time and intense. His insights and assistance can be a big boost to your own work in manifesting what you desire. Many people benefit from private coaching with JoreJj. If you are interested you can find out more about him on this website, and you can write him to book a private coaching session or to talk about what would be involved and what benefits you can get. His premium coaching service is Life Transformation
System A-Z
, which is a home study program.


Please read our FULL DISCLAIMER before using our sites
Disclaimer: Please be advised that all of the products and services on and relating to the Elprehzleinn websites are based on ideas and experiences of SPIRITUALITY including mind, soul, higher consciousness, destiny, divine being, love itself, the virtually unheard of field of true sacred spiritual sexuality and various other spiritual values that cannot be guaranteed to work in any way. Everything on our sites is for entertainment purposes only. Most of our products and services are based on a unique financial system that involves an elegant merging of set fees and prices with donations and thus we offer no refunds at this time. Furthermore, we believe it is better to have no beliefs.Except for that belief ;) -Elprehzleinn


How to Spiritually Create and then possibly (but no guarantees) to Manifest $100,000.00

A Cost-Free Experiment You Can Participate in Now Simply by Reading What Follows on this Page to Set The Magic in Motion with harm to none with purely benevolent outcomes for all concerned.

Previous Experiments to Manifest single sum amounts of $25,000, $5,000, $10,000, and monthly cash flow of $2,000 and other money manifesting experiments like this one have all succeeded. Want to participate free of any financial cost or obligation, in this experiment to manifest $100,000? You can. Here's how...

NOTE: the audio on this page is for $10,000. Since that worked so many times we decided to increase to $100,000.00

listen online now or download to listen later, 15 MIN., 2.71 MB

Hi this is JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn and what we are about here with this is very simple. I am going to go into further details about how the past experiments worked and how this one could probably work even better on the audio. So listen to the audio as soon as you have a chance, if you can.

For brevity, and clarity, I am going to write out now what you need to do to participate.

The general idea is that most everyone, in addition to whatever your whole life script for money is, would be happy to have a bonus $100,000.00 (in your currency of choice) , in addition to whatever other money you are manifesting in your future and in addition to whatever money you make regularly now or have now.

As you have just read about it now the programming has begun if you feel yes, and say yes mentally now.

If not, then you are just reading this for information, but not for programming yourself to do it.

For the idea of an additional $100,000.00 is what this is all about. Transforming that idea into an actual additional ten thousand in your currency of choice, for you, for me, for all who want it, each their own $100,000.00 in their currency of choice.

For any and all who want to do this. If you do, just say yes, mentally now there is not cost to you financially to do this, it is just energy work.

And for that you receive more than you give. All in Divine Order I ask it to be so it must be so it is, for you, for me, for all concerned, with harm to none, with purely benevolent outcomes for all concerned, in harmony with the Higher Self/Spiritual Being of all concerned who participate now.

Joining together as a group energy, meaning each one who joins in this agrees to know and allow their spiritual blessing and support to go to all the others doing this and to gain from all the others doing this energetically whatever is needed to with harm to none, and for the absolute well-being and most excellent benvolence of all, and in harmony with everyone's Higher Self and under the guidance and connection with Love Itself the Divine One Being the All That Is the Omnipresent Supreme Authority friendly and loving to all the Nameless One to manifest right now an extra additional $100,000.00 in a fun, wonderful, benevolent manner it is so for those who say yes now it is so, and you can now. And as you do, it is so. Say yes I am willing to receive this gift from the universe, from and with Love Itself, yes I am ready to receive this extra gift of money now. So let it be and thank you. Yes. Yes. Yes.

And now that you have read that, and agreed, if you willed it, that it is so and you are included then it is so. And that is that.

Finally, in addition to enjoying and clarifying this by listening to the audio you can do this:

1. Get into a quiet space and if possible light a candle and hold a crystal of any kind that has been cleaned with dish soap and is ready to take a program. Neither the candle nor the crystal are necessary for this to work.

2. In your quiet space, close your eyes and say mentally, or with eyes open write out, depending on what you prefer state in your own way what is your current financial situation. Your income, your cash flow, savings etc, as a summary. Also state that you have many dreams and goals for your financial future.

3. Having done that, state that in addition to all of that, and within the willingness to participate in this experiment in this way that it has been declared above, that you now desire IN ADDITION to all that money you desire imagine and expect for your financial future, IN ADDITION to all the money you have and make right now in your current reality that you now desire imagine and expect and demand and command for the Highest Good and in harmony with Divine Love and with harm to none that you now have and receive an additional $100,000.00 in the currency of your choice. Know that in saying so it is done on the inner planes and so it must be so. Say THANK YOU and come out of your meditation.

4. Let go of the meditation. If you can, if you have the Interactive Electtronic Workbook, write this new wish in there as if it is done. (follow the link to get the Interactive Electtronic Workbook if you do not have it, there is also a link and some testimonials in the left side column on this page.)

You can use this phrase or make up your own:'

"I now have manifested, in addition to all my other money and all my other money dreams, an additional $100,000.00 to do with as I please. It came in a most benevolent manner with harm to none. What fun. With Peace, and Love. In manifesting this, it is my way of saying that NOW is the time that I also desire imagine and expect that ALL that I have written in my own universe in my Interactive Electtronic Workbook comes to pass with excellence, fun, and ease, right now. It is so."

That is the one I am using in my personal Interactive Electtronic Workbook.


JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn, for your highest well being and my own, with Love.

p.s. This is an example of a belief being changed using our "ClearTalk" technology. This real life example I thought would be helpful and relevant for people participating in this $100,000.00 experiment:

In the universe: Money isn't important especially not as important as spiritual pursuits and faith.

In my own universe: My spiritual pursuits and faith drive my financial accumulation to extraordinarily rapid and nevertheless allowably large amounts of money in my accounts with clean healthy fun beautiful energy it is so with Love Itself and my higher self my, unseen friends, and my human lover(s) life and business partner(s). Now.

In my own universe: My spiritual pursuits and faith unbelievably accelerate now the amount of money I accumulate, now and always.

In in my own universe: I now have abundantly materialized much more than enough money to do everything I want to do with money.


Get the, "Higher Guidance" subliminal art for your cellphone or desktop background screen to help put some of this "use your spiritual powers to get money" scripting into your mind.


Testimonials from the previous $10,000 experiment (send yours in and I post them anonymously to encourage others):

"How to Manifest $(Rs)10,000, A Cost-Free Experiment You Can Participate.Wow, this really works. I manifested Rs.10,000 easily and effortlessly. R.A."

"We should do this again with bigger amounts JoreJj because I tried it and a sale I was expecting to close for $7000 closed for $10,000 instead, I felt this working."

"I have not yet got my extra $10,000 to show up but I believe it is working and I know it is going to happen, I feel the energy and the magic building up and working its way into my reality." J. E. - "note added about eight months later...I got it exactly...amazing. " update, it worked again, exactly.