Elprehzleinn Personal Development and Success Products and Services


note from JoreJj Z. Elprehzleinn about this F.A.Q.


This deeply thoughtful F.A.Q. based on a huge personal experience was written by the brilliant and kind and caring humanitarian man who created and produced all the subliminal audios in the Elprehzleinn library. He used to run his own internet company selling them. I bought A LOT of his programs and eventually got to know him and helped him with his business. When he moved on to other things, he allowed me to publish and share his work which I have found to be absolutely effective in my own personal life and still use the audios more than ten years later. I have one on right now in fact. In this F.A.Q. which he wrote while he still had his own business I replaced his reference to his business like this:

"the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003"





Please read our DISCLAIMER before using any of the subliminal audios in our library or even reading what is written in this F.A.Q.



Subliminal Audio Library

FAQ Page 1 | FAQ Page 2
FAQ Page 3 | FAQ Page 4

What is it? | 11 Common Myths | Why others try to prevent your change | Privacy | What will I hear? | What are your scripts? | The Placebo Effect | Headphones or Speakers? | More than an hour? | Using 2 or more titles | Is anything really there? | How subliminal messages create events | Preference Changers | Forgotten Beliefs | Flare Events | Belief/Behavioral Packages | Learning Thirst | Science of Personal Change


In fact, it's been shown that our subconscious can receive and process up to one hundred thousand bits of information AT A TIME. While this sounds impossible remember that unlike the conscious mind the subconscious doesn't need to 'consider' or try to make sense of things in the same way our conscious does.



Our minds operate on two main levels, conscious and subconscious. Science has gone a long way in determining the ways the conscious mind works yet the subconscious remains shrouded in mystery.


It's there however, we're sure of that.


And it's active. It's responsible for a lot of things that our normal waking mind has neither the time nor space to address.


In fact, it's been shown that our subconscious can receive and process up to one hundred thousand bits of information AT A TIME. While this sounds impossible remember that unlike the conscious mind the subconscious doesn't need to 'consider' or try to make sense of things in the same way our conscious does.



If I were to walk up behind you and say, for instance, "Ice Cream Tastes Great".... at a volume level just below the threshold of your conscious perception, it would probably have little or no effect.


If, however, I were to say this to you at the same level over ten thousand times in a month it would register with the subconscious and soon, Ice Cream would seem like a pretty great idea, even if you were consciously committed to not eating it.


Why is this?


What is the subconscious doing with the information and why doesn't the information we get DIRECTLY (as adults) seem to influence us as much?



First, consider the nature of the conscious mind. This is easier to do since we all 'know' this mechanism pretty well.


The conscious mind is what the world around us trains to do the job of daily living.


Early experience plays a big role in what the conscious mind will allow as possible later. This is why they call those years the formative years.


But like any unique view it has boundaries. As the boundaries of the conscious mind are filled to capacity they settle into an actual structure that functions, however uniquely, as that person making responses to the world around them. The elements of this structure are formed randomly during the early years of life but can be traced far into adulthood.


While education is playing a role in explaining the details of the world around us like math, language, geography and science; our parents, peers and circumstances are shaping what will become a constant DIALOG in the conscious mind.


The power of the influence exerted by these 'others' and the environment on a child is so strong that philosophy and religion pale in comparison at any attempt to do the same job.


There is no ideology stronger than what a child is convinced of as being real.


Like a recording that plays the same information over and over in response to whatever new stimulus comes along, this gradually built dialog begins to work on its own - tossing back and forth as a mixture of hope and acceptance, desire and restraint, and other ideas which hit the invisible brick walls of self-limitation.



Not only does the conscious mind build a wall of protection for itself, it also erects guardhouses at the threshold of the subconscious.


We can still only guess about why this happens, or why ANY of this is put together as the 'programming' for this great resource we call our mind.


In spite of the border guards the conscious has patrolling the entry to the subconscious, it's still registering new pieces of information. Information is slipping through wherever the searchlight of focus ISN'T! In a way, this 'slipping in' of unnoticed information is a lot like refugees entering a country at its weakest point.


Over a period of time, these unnoticed bits of information can even help to correct the course of a reality the conscious has always held onto as real but which is no longer valid. This is why extreme change can take a whole lifetime, instead of the shorter time involved when the subconscious is approached directly and even, you could say, secretly.


Why this secret is really no secret at all!


We're always using the nearly unnoticed.


Slight variances in tone of speech or our body language is half of communication. Humans would be robotic without it.


Ninja's, leader's and actor's are all aware of the power of what is only absorbed on the periphery.




Under normal circumstances, the information that enters the mind without being noticed isn't acted upon because the frequency of the same information arriving isn't enough to 'take over'.


This is why I could come up behind you and whisper "Ice Cream is Great" or "I Love Ice Cream" one time and it may have no effect.


The subconscious is also recording the colors of cars passing by, counting how many times a bird call was heard and dozens of other things that are entering through the senses but not being focused upon.


But if all the billboards you don't focus on, and all the topics you don't really listen closely to and all of the other information was even 25% of the SAME MESSAGE, your subconscious would begin to assemble a 'reality' for the conscious mind that reflects this new information.


Thus, subliminal programming has a repetitive aspect. What makes it easy is not having to notice. That's how it works.


It's true that any model we can draw of the entire process is only the map, not the actual territory.


"the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" is still exploring more of this new frontier and from here, it doesn't appear to have a horizon.





Which one of these common myths about subliminal messages do you believe?


After years of research and practice we've run across the same common misconceptions, urban legends and even paranoid justifications about what we do and what others are or might be capable of.


In an almost descending order, these are 11 of the most common:


1. Subliminal programming is best used while the subject is sleeping


One of the most common myths surrounding subliminal communication is that of the subject being at their most 'vulnerable' to messages while asleep.


Whether this is because we associate a trance state with the sleep state or because from a more fearful evaluation the collective status quo is more comfortable believing they cannot be effected while awake is unclear.


The reality is that while we pass through an almost ideal state on the way to full sleep in terms of input capability, the senses by which we can take in the peripheral information are either turned off (visual) or turned down (audio) during the sleep phase.


2. It is only used for learning something


Early on in working with subliminal programming, the more educated a person was the more likely they were to ask "are you using it to learn French"?


Apparently there was a period in American history where discussions of subliminal related topics always included the hope that one day the technology would replace having to study.


The fact that this was never developed attests to the strong instincts the educational system has for self-preservation. It made for an interesting topic though among some of those same institutions.


Those most exposed to the misinformation during that period also expanded the question "Are you using it to learn French in your sleep?"


3. Intention plays a role


We've often said that if intention played a role in subliminal communications it would be useless to advertising.


This is not to say that intention doesn't play a role when the same techniques are used for self-improvement but that's only because most people have to seek out that type of content on their own. Advertisers program you to want their products, but who besides yourself decides that you should be more confident or loose weight? Clearly, you're the only one that stands to gain the lions share on helping yourself and this is where intention plays a role, not in the technique itself if used alone.


The other side of this property of use is that accidental programming is a reality as well.


If your children hear you listening to titles, for instance, that cause specific drastic changes, you may see other family members or coworkers exposed to the same programming also creating changes.


"the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" has received feedback on more than one occasion from customers who have multiple titles, selected one for focused use when they mistakenly thought they were selecting another (our titles are marked only with numbers for privacy).


When they noticed change in one area instead of the one they were expecting they double checked and sure enough, they were transforming according to CONTENT not intention. As one of them remarked to us "So much for the placebo effect"....


4. It can be guarded against

Within the implication of the previous myth about subliminal programming is the idea of simply blanketing a shield of protection around yourself towards being influenced will work 100% of the time.


Without taking yourself to the fringe of paranoia, as long as you are dealing with exposure to any recorded medium there is some chance that something could be suggested that bypasses conscious perception and becomes a seed at the subconscious level. Depending on what level of subconsciously activated communications we're talking about, it cannot even be said that sheltering oneself from modern recording technologies will insure that who you are and what you decide is entirely of your own accord [see below: ~Uncommon].


5. It is snake oil

There is a difference between counterfeit and quackery that begs to be defined when it comes to subliminal communications.


While bogus subliminal products are on the market the underlying premise is based on something which is basic and has grounds in human understanding, that of the ability for information to pass unnoticed into the subconscious.


That makes a 'fake' subliminal program a counterfeit to the real thing.


Quackery is entirely different both in the underlying approach being one that doesn't have a connection to the way the mind or body actually works, such as the ingestion of placebos that are either useless or actually harmful, and also in the extreme imbalance towards intention/faith that must be present for the solution to appear effective. As mentioned above, intention is not a guiding factor once the application of the technique is frequent.


6. If effective would always produces identical results


There is a general fear of any kind of 'brain washing' because after all, modern people living in first world countries would rather think they make all their own decisions whether this is always the case or not. The fact that self-help oriented companies such as "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" are about the only places you will ever have a choice in how you're being influenced subconsciously by intentional device as an adult makes this prospect all the gloomier.


Somehow believing that 'if' subliminal messages were common we'd all being wearing the same clothes and eating the same thing and it would be obvious to us that we were all clones of an evil subliminal plot is an interesting way to avoid noticing that in fact, we do all pretty much buy the same things.


Thankfully, even if the level of subliminal social input were higher, personal subconscious interpretation of the message will always be the one quality that preserves self-identity no matter how strong the message.


The same is true when these techniques are used as part of personal transformation because we are all finding the same satisfaction although at different rates of speed and in slightly different directions.


Any set of messages designed for mass use among a group of people united only by the same language is bound to have a myriad of actual levels of results depending on the way each subject sorts it out on the subconscious level and is able to implement what is understood. Someone who is already wealthy and uses the product to increase confidence will take risks that someone of a different economic standing wouldn't consider even though they had been programmed in the same way.


This personalization of the subconscious is one of the more attractive aspects of subliminal messaging because it avoids the creation 'absolute' clones on the behavioral level while allowing a natural adaptation of the message to often occur within the individual.


7. It has an immediate effect


Timing and frequency always match the subject!


One of the urban legends that turned into an actual product a few years ago were seduction tapes that were supposed to influence young women into becoming aroused while riding in your car.


In fact, we've always gotten a steady stream of requests for these, although we've never offered them.


There is a reassuring reason for this. Subliminal messaging always starts with the subject at a certain point. If they are, say at point A and the result is measured by altering their beliefs/desires to point F, there is a natural progression which occurs in an almost linear (due to time measurements) fashion.


However, if they should arrive at point F and they are already at point D in terms of acceptance to the new desire/behavior, then results are going to occur quicker.


The real world application of this is that it may take 30 days to alter a deeply held personal self-belief using subliminal messaging, yet only 10 or so exposures to a short radio commercial to influence a chewing gum buying decision. One is simply more ingrained than the other, and by virtue of that takes more time.


[In the case of seduction tapes by the way, if you're wondering how to make yours work properly, you may want to ask your date to ride with you on a cross continent trip that takes at least 20 - 30 days to complete. However, since you are already at point F, where will you be when she arrives at the same point and you've been over-programmed yourself?]


8. It has anything to do with frames in a movie

One of the best held secrets, and yes I expect another visit from the Men In Black after revealing this, about subliminal messages is that visuals make the best nesting spots for the 'commands'.


Many people who make a hobby of this sort of thing tend to insist that the whole media blitz in the 50's about flashing popcorn one frame at a time during a movie was further misinformation so no one would know that it could be done on the radio too! After all - didn't the record industry explode right after that period?


Ingrained as it is into urban myth, moving visuals such as television and movies make poor Trojan horses for advertising because they're too easy to uncover using a freeze frame button on a VCR, especially over the last 20 or so years.


Audio is another matter. Although it can be argued that extending EQ capabilities to an almost unheard of isolation width would reveal an audio track properly buried, you'll still have an extremely hard time doing it.


9. It is uncommon in the media

We've mentioned the media in general several times in this article almost as if they were a shadow empire of evil advertisers riding the backs of profiteering content providers.


This isn't quite the case.


The general insecurity of any advertiser in the marketplace that would consider using these extra techniques to get their point across attests to quite the opposite.


Most advertisers or the staff of agencies are everyday people who are only trying to launch a successful campaign. Its a saving grace of humanity that in most cases this is their ONLY agenda as the popularity of a perfume or shampoo has little effect on life in general.


If you still have doubts about whether or not subliminal techniques are even used, consider whether you would choose to use it yourself if your employer was entrusted with millions in advertising dollars, you knew about the techniques and you had the technology to pull it off without the slightest detection as to having done so. Those of you reading this of high, high moral standards may have to ethic-down a little to reach the norm for the sake of illustration here.


And yet none of us escape this temptation to influence others unaware!


[read below]

10. It is uncommon in everyday communications

Not only is it very real, subliminal messages are sent, well, almost subliminally all the time between human beings.


Body language both subtle and extreme, voice inflection, choice of words.... who doesn't use some indirect form of communication naturally along with the more direct vehicle of language?


How many letters have been written where there was a misunderstanding because the tone of speech was missing?


Some of this is picked up by the subject observing, and some isn't.


All of it means something, however subtle.


Like good stage magic, the trick is to make something happen (in this case a message) where the attention of the subject ISN'T focused.


11. Is or should be the domain of professional psychologists

While institutes of higher learning tend to discuss the topic more and more, it's unclear whether this is because a radical change in the direction of psychology or because there is more basic interest in the concept and it's being asked about more by a new generation of people who have grown up considering the subconscious aspects of life more of the time than in the past.


The Freudian treatment of the subconscious tends to have narrowed itself into a pocket in terms of explaining new ideas about the subconscious, yet attempts to gain hold of the relevant techniques remain for the most part beyond both the interest and the grasp of a tradition of degreed psychologists interested in penetrating our psyches via our attention and response mechanisms.


As long as this is the case, subliminal research for uses such as self-realization and transformation will remain as popular for the mainstream body of collegiate scientists as Tesla was when he told a group of industrialists that he could produce a nearly free form of electric power.


If (and we hope when) the self-interest of this group shifts to include advanced solutions such as subliminal input, then this will be the new horizon they will seek to preserve as their own. There is a great deal to consider when you realize that you're acting on information you don't quite remember getting. Accepting what at first seems like an intrusion doesn't mean you have to flee society or insist that everyone speak to you in basic monotone so you won't be unfairly influenced. Always remember, the weakest point of entry is still, in the short run, where you aren't aware of it. Now that you know more about what subliminal messages aren't, go here to read about how it actually works, and how "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" uses the subliminal range of exposure techniques to help you transform yourself according to your own plan.



"Whenever I embark on a mission to change something about myself, someone close to me tries to stop me. Why is this?"


While there could be several factors that contribute to a person being uncomfortable with watching someone close to them change, even if it's for the better, there are a few common dynamics which present themselves. This article discusses some of these with options for dealing with each of them.


There you are, making the announcement that either directly or indirectly spells out major changes to someone in your life. You may be telling them because the change itself requires them to do something differently or you may feel that by revealing your plans you are sharing an important decision about your future together.


Sometimes though what you had hoped would be a moment of ground breaking on something new and exciting turns into misunderstanding, arguments and even alienation from people who you would otherwise have believed were there to support you.


Understanding what impact your announcements about personal change may have will help you to avoid these situations and get the encouragement you feel you need, or at least avoid the distraction of not having to work around another person just to get to your future self!


Here are some common possibilities as to why there is resistance from those close to you, and what they may be thinking:


"I'm afraid that if you change something about yourself, you will expect me to make the same changes or something equal and I don't know if I want you deciding that for me."


Let the other person know that the role they play in your life, and the life they lead is unlikely to change. If they feel like you are going to expect the same or equal amounts of personal transformation let them know all of the things you like about the way they are now...


"I am afraid that your world will get bigger and better but mine will stay the same or get smaller."


When we share things in common with other people we often want those things to stay the same. This can include any and every area of a life, from work, where you live and certainly who you know and the ideas you operate on. If someone is afraid of being overshadowed by your 'big plans', keep things in relative perspective when discussing changes. Don't use your plans as weapons to attack their lack of plans.


"I want what's best for you but what you've chosen as best is not what I had in mind."


We can want to help those around us so much that whether or not they have their own ideas we find it hard to suppress our own plans for their betterment. If you decide to go one direction and someone close to you is pulling you the other way, conflict is inevitable. After all, you can't go east and west at the same time. A compromise often amounts to sitting still depending on the range of possibilities under debate.


"I don't know much about the method you've chosen for changing part of your life but I don't think it will work."


Similarly, even when the desired direction is agreed upon, which road will be taken can also be a powder keg issue. You may want to point out that there is little reason to try only one method to achieving a goal and perhaps several routes can be taken at once towards the same end result. You've always heard that two heads are better than one. This is true when they agree, but when they don't a solution could be to use the 'shotgun' effect of applying all or parts of more than one option.
Remember that just because you feel drawn to a particular method of problem solving, not everyone else will be. The arrow of action goes the other direction here as opposed to the previous paragraph as in not so much what to do, but how to do it. Compromise can happen if that means multiple paths are charted out and followed all at once (sometimes this works!).


"I believe that if you improve your life you either won't need me anymore or you'll find better people to be around who have made similar changes."


Insecurities are real and most humans, regardless of their level of success, can be easily made to feel alone. We're social creatures, but it's such a complex environment we live in that none of us is ever far away from thoughts of being alone against our will. Assure those in your life that they will remain there and they'll gladly step aside so you can go forward with plans you have for yourself if this is what caused their concern


"Because I care about you, whenever I see you risking change I worry that you will be disappointed in your efforts."


Those who have gone through major letdowns and not fully recovered are always on the lookout for who they can save from a similar fate. First and foremost on their list are those closest. While their intentions may be good, their attitude is anything but aggressive. When faced with this scenario, allow your personal changes to be noticed slowly as they occur without a lot of fanfare... especially at the outset.


"Nothing is wrong with you now, why can't you just be like you are and accept where you are in life?"


Just because you've decided to improve yourself doesn't mean someone else close to you can see the same need. Avoid displaying anxiety over the transformative process to this type of person and they'll at least feel you're not forcing them to go through something they, as yet, don't even feel is needful.

There is a popular Country & Western song with the lyrics "SHE keeps praying HE'LL change and HE keeps praying SHE won't." Unless it's for an abusive reason, take temporary relief at that someone accepts you the way you are and is happy with who you are now, even if you wish they were behind your ideas.


"Someone else is influencing your decision to make these changes. When that relationship ends or diminishes, you'll be stuck with having changed something about yourself and then what will you do?"


While some loved ones are careful to not loose track of you, others are just as concerned that conversations you have with other people are causing you to form an unbalanced opinion as to what course to take. An effective tactic here is to avoid including mention of any third person who may or may not have suggested something to you if you already know the person you're talking to doesn't respect your having chosen to pay attention to their input.


"I don't believe people can do much to change their circumstances. This includes you and because I want the best for you I'd hate to see you get your hopes up... I'll even tell you about some people who were let down, including myself, and see if I can persuade you of this reality."


There is little or no reason to include in your circle of support those who don't believe you will succeed. A small percentage of the time you may hear "wow.. you caught me off guard... I thought you'd never change", but even when your goals are reached, most of the people who didn't believe you could achieve anything will still refuse to believe you did. They will explain your success by some other cause.


As you can see, the social dynamics that play into communicating your need for making changes in your life are complicated and we've only scratched the surface.

Subliminal messaging is especially good at dealing with these types of circumstances for several reasons.


Change occurs from within and often the desire for change doesn't need to be pre-announced.


There is no special class to attend or noticed activity other than listening to an audio program, which may be done quietly using headphones with no mention of what is happening. "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" uses very private file names (only the catalog numbers) to contain these programs. You can easily, if you'd like, see to it that no one ever knows what you're up to!


Sometimes, there is no reason to ever disclose that you have used subliminal techniques to enhance your life. It can look like fate, hard work or a combination of the two. In fact, the seamless changes we often hear about happening with subliminal programming is so seamless, you'll have a hard time convincing some folks that this is how you got to the finish line.


Resource Box:

Wondering if there is something standing between yourself and achieving your goals? Self-delusion can be costly. Read about Success Factor.


If you're looking to gain insight, Serenity is a great title. Interested in lots of great changes but can't even LET yourself take the leap...? Try our best selling SaboClear, designed to rip out the success barriers that your previous accumulated history has placed upon you.

Why is privacy important when I make a positive change?


Anyone who has ever embarked on a journey of personal change has always faced the same obstacles.


We're not talking about the change itself! Over half the battle is getting everyone around you to 'allow' you the space for making the changes you've selected.


Tell 10 people you see regularly that you've bought a new book on self-improvement, taken up a new spiritual path or even, ordered subliminal programs... and unless you're living among people who share your spirit of self-growth you'll face a good deal of cynicism.


It's okay to WANT to tell everyone you've made a commitment to growing in some area. Some systems of personal growth even demand that you make this announcement. But is it always a good idea?


Using the same energy it takes to convince those in your immediate social circle that you're going to do something, you could be DOING IT!


The best way to get the space to change, is to take it, even in small bits and pieces if it means you're going to have to fight for that same space.


Often, no one will even notice what you're doing until it takes effect! And wouldn't it be a better way of sharing some method if you had other people asking (demanding) to know what you had done and how?


Discretion on your part not only plays a role in 'getting the space' you need but also on the part of whatever method you're using. If you have to wear a badge and tell everyone it only serves to slow you down in the long run.


We found that many users of our products were reluctant to have those around them know they were even experiencing some of the things they wanted to change.

Consider keeping things private, but don't secretly expose somebody else to the audios.





*Explore what you're doing:

Whatever your final decision in choosing method(s) for attaining your goals, implementing some of these suggestions for a discrete approach to personal change could help you get there faster:


Don't share your plans with people who are likely to be critical of your success rate. Whenever this happens, it slows you down and causes them to act out what could be deep rooted negative ideas.

Among those you do, for whatever reason share your plans with, be mindful of which ones fall into the above category. Never tell them anything again.

Notice that if you are really doing something different, it will 'bubble to the surface' at some level and be asked about eventually. Whether you disclose your method of change or what the transformation was at that time is up to you. It gets more profound however, as you continue to 'grow in secret' and if you display some patience, it can drive other people crazy trying to figure out what you've done.

If you're feeling introspective, examine your own reasons for wanting to share this information with others. Are you: seeking approval for putting out a positive effort, just making conversation or do you get a sense of achievement just for having said you have plans for changing something? Unfortunately, any of these reasons is illusory in terms of actually making a transition.


Are the audible portions of your programs ocean waves or music?


Neither. Both were considered. But music has inherent problems because everyone has such different tastes. Even if we offered different styles and you selected rock or jazz, is this the type of rock or jazz you happen to prefer. Also, if we masked our subliminal suggestions with your favorite music, it wouldn't remain your favorite music for long. You'd get tired of hearing the same program over and over.


The same is partly true for ocean waves. They also present audio problems for us on this end. We like to keep both the mask and the subliminal tracks at fairly consistent levels. This is hard to do with ocean waves and in the long run it can lower the end result.


What's contained in our Subliminal Messages?


We often get questions about our subliminal scripts. What's being said under the sound mask that brings about such dramatic change?


In most cases we don't reveal the actual script for a number of reasons which are discussed below.


First, you have to understand the way subliminal programming works. The difference between subliminal programs, and say, conscious affirmations, is the level of awareness as to what is actually being said.


The reason subliminal programs work so well is because conscious awareness is being bypassed. We have, as a result of our early childhood programming and so forth, a tremendous amount of conscious resistance to change, especially in regards to our self-image of who we are and what we consciously believe is possible. If this were not the case, you wouldn't need subliminal programs. You could just tell yourself, for example, to display more confidence and it would be so. But the conscious mind has lots of scripts of it's own and lots of reasons for maintaining the status quo. When a subliminal message, recorded just below the conscious audio threshold reaches the subconscious, the conscious mind has had NO opportunity to rationalize or sabotage the message away. Your subconscious, being the only part of your mind that has gotten the message, then acts as if the message is 100% true. It doesn't know the difference between current and future truth. Then, in a wonderful way that we don't fully understand, the subconscious begins to guide you into circumstances and behaviors which support the message.


Although you may know the purpose of a subliminal program, you can see how, using this model, it's to your advantage to not have exposure to the exact script.


Studies were done in the 70's with subliminal programming which showed that some individuals are able to be programmed despite the fact that they know the script. Most however, used at least some amount of conscious logic to circumvent the effects of the program, even when they expressed a conscious desire for change.


I use the product myself, and of course exposure over thousands of hours in my 11 years of research into the science of doing this brings up the question of why they are effective for me when, after all, I must know the scripts because I originate them. I've solved this problem by programming two or three at a time and marking the tapes only with a series number, such as a date. I'm also good at ignoring them because I hear them all the time.


Secondly, but most important, is the question of trust. It's reasonable for anyone to speculate about the exact messages they are being programmed with subconsciously. After all, up until now all of your programming has been random input, and now that you've decided to take charge of your destiny you realize that someone else is actually building the package to take you there. It's a natural thing for the conscious mind to suspect a hidden agenda of some sort that benefits the programmer because that's one of the duties of the conscious mind, to protect. It's even ironic that in this case, the conscious mind is so overprotective that subliminal techniques must be used to reach this closed off area we call the subconscious.


So, if I published the scripts you would still have to invest a small amount of trust that these really were the scripts, in which case we run the risk of lowering the effect by due to conscious resistance I discussed earlier.


The concern for publishing the scripts has nothing to do with other companies using them, because to be as effective, they would still have to master the production process which is undetectable once the product is finished.


I can tell you that my motive in scripting a program is to achieve the end goal of the title, assisting the individual in making life changes. Unless you see changes that you feel are worth the trouble you've gone to to use the product, you won't be very pleased with it.


There are lots of things I can tell you about the scripts themselves:


The subconscious has a different slant on time as we measure it, so all messages are in present tense.


All messages are in first person because the subconscious is also responsible for connecting to other subconscious minds, and views separation between ones own self and others in a different way than the normal waking mind. If the message says 'you....' the subconscious projects it onto everyone else other than the self.


We also use all different pitch frequencies for the messages, meaning they are in male, female, and children voice frequency ranges. We use all of them on a rotating basis with the same script so that our tapes will be universal for anyone who speaks English. We do not use multiple layers of hundreds of voices. Although this process was used in the 1980's by several other companies, we stick with the single voice-at-a-time theory in delivering content.


Our messages are checked in reverse for possible additional messages. The subconscious will examine audio input both in forward and reverse. When a recording is shown to have another meaning in English, we correct it before continuing with production. I believe this has happened twice.


Initially we did not recommend use by persons with English as a second language. Over the years we have had a great deal of positive feedback from customers in various parts of the world although their English was generally good. The effect may take longer however.


Messages are recorded in General American speech, with careful attention paid to phonetic values during the scripting phase. They are effective for any English speaker in England, Canada, Australia or the U.S.. Possible double meanings of words due to diverse accents is also considered during recording.



The Placebo Effect:


Are subliminal programs effective only because we believe they are helping us?

Suggestibility is the trademark of humanity. We are all gently shoved in first one direction and then another by this technique. It's a fair question to wonder whether playing a subliminal program every day will actually program your subconscious mind or just give you the focus of the problem you're trying to solve on such a regular basis that you end up making the change yourself.


There are a few points you should understand about subliminal programming which will help you in deciding this issue. One is the placebo effect, and the other is controlled scripting.


The placebo effect for subliminal programming does exist because of the element of suggestibility. In most cases where research is made available, the level of placebo effect is LESS than for pharmaceutical placebo experiments. But does this mean that powerful drugs are only powerful because people believe they are? Of course not.


Another element of subliminal programming that informs us about the topic of the placebo-effect should be discussed. Accidental programming. If only those who believed in subliminal technology working were effected by it, accidental programming wouldn't even be an issue, yet it is - as we have seen in several cases... which is why so much attention is focused on it at "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003".


Since personal change is personal, unsuspecting people shouldn't be exposed without their permission, especially to a title that is delivers a highly focused result.


The second element is controlled scripting.


Have A Strawberry!


Early "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" testing involved a weight-loss program (not the one we currently offer) that was a bit of a Trojan horse.


Without their knowledge, users were not only being programmed to prefer healthier choices in food, they were also being given a new appreciation for one healthy treat in particular.... Strawberries. In every case the test subjects developed a newfound taste for the fruit which extended even to nonfood choices in items purchased (strawberry incense, strawberry print dishrags, etc.).


This was a major breakthrough for "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" because we learned something very important. What we were doing WORKED! From this point on the question of the placebo effect was merely academic.



Is it best to use headphones or speakers when listening to your programs?

Either is just as effective but there are some things to consider.


Our programs are recorded in mono. One reason for this is that many people listen to their programs after having moved the file to some type of portable device with just one side of headphones(a single earphone) so they can go about their normal activity. This decreases the time it takes to notice a program working, depending on the program, how long they listen and the person themselves. It also allows the concsious focus to be on something besides the program which is positive.


The other thing about headphones is there are times when, out of respect for other people, you should ONLY use headphones. 'Accidental programming' is an issue that we've always addressed which I don't see other companies talking about at all. This is true because the intent of the subject has nothing to do with whether or not the technology works. Faith is not involved!


For instance, lets imagine for a minute that you had ordered HyperZone/Overdrive and you lived in the same house with a retired person and they are exposed to this particular title as much as you are. If they hear it over a period of time, even from down the hall, they will ALSO be programmed. This may not be appropriate and may cause them to go down paths they wouldn't choose or have the energy for.


The same is true if you listen to 'HeartMender' around a person who is happily married. Over time, they will suddenly 'crave' being single and alone and it could cause serious problems for them.



Is it advisable to listen to each program selected for more than an hour a day?

There are no hard and fast rules here, but more is better in general. Every goal and every person is different. Reality itself, (a key ingredient in our product having something to 'work with') is also in a constant state of flux.


We advise (instructions come with each order) that you listen at least daily for a month. But if you miss three days, you don't have to start counting again. Make it a habit and forget counting days per se and you'll be surprised.


Our titles, as myself and others have noticed, seem to work better with different titles the longer you use them. It seems like the third title goes quicker sometimes. Again, every time is different, this is just in general. I don't know why this is unless the 'wall' between conscious and subconscious starts to trust the input as positive and okay but it seems to work like this. It could be some sort of triggering event is set up where the subconscious has trusted previous content arising form a similar activity, such as playing one of our programs on a regular basis, and responds to the sound of it.



Will the subconscious be confused if 2 or more titles are played consecutively in order to reap benefits from them both? Or do you recommend
a sequential approach.

Sequential is best, esp. at first, and I wouldn't try to rotate more than two at a time. The subconscious CAN and does line up multiple tasks at the same time. It's not going to be overcome with too much information because it does input, sorting and reacting all the time. But if you're constructing change it's nice to have it go in a semi-controlled flow pattern. And one big factor in being of influence is frequency of play. If the major message coming across is the subliminal input from your program that's what will be acted on first. With two programs going at once this could mean that each is less unless they are number one and number two in terms of frequency.


It does work, and those who work with subliminal programming such as myself often find that we are the subjects being programmed, at least a little bit, before anyone else has even heard of the title. (This is one of the reasons you can believe our products are safe, we have to hear them too!)


Depending on what you've ordered and what you need them to do as a total program, you should try to plan a logical order.


After you have had a good deal of experience with using our products you will get a realistic feel for how to order and combine them in ways for effects that actually depend on that order or combination to be exactly what they are.


How will I know there is actually anything beneath the sound mask on your programs. You could be selling me a file full of white noise couldn't you?

That's a good question, and quite reasonable. But I must admit no one has asked me that AFTER using them...


Indeed, I'm sure some companies send out the same program for every title. But pulling it apart and showing it to someone almost always decreases the effect because now their conscious has been 'put on alert' so to speak to the exact message.


There is an issue of trust here that I feel everyday. Balanced with the great thrill I get every time we get feedback from people using "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003", is a great responsibility that I could never take for granted. You could almost call it a sacred trust because what we're doing is helping people change things in their lives.


The main thing is, we want them to work too, and we know they work stronger as real subliminal programs than as placebo subliminal programs.



How can subliminal programming make a difference in who I meet and why is this important?

We live in a world of cooperation and interaction.
There is no way to look at success stories without running across the dynamic of human nature in how we deal with each other and how we view strangers.


Some people get along with each other while some, no matter how talented, just don't. Leaders, when filling posts just below them, consider candidates according to their loyalty and predictability before they consider their skill, even if it's a close second.

Why would they consider those they know over strangers who have a much higher level of qualification?

Because skill can always be covered by further delegation, determined by the weak points. Loyalty and predictability gone astray are more difficult to control or amend.


Part of this is natural. We feel more comfortable with a history of behavior than we do with a list of qualifications. The qualifications tell what you're capable of, but feeling like you know someone gives you an overview of how they will behave while delivering the goods.


'Second-rate' yes men seem to be riding the coattails of the powerful while the fate of those below them rides on an even less secure platform.

Every now and then a maverick slips in the side door and actually gains the respect of someone who decides to incorporate their ideas and skills into something bigger.
But in each case, there is a human factor there: someone 'knows', or believes they know someone before anything positive has an opportunity to happen.


Largely, random chance and fate (which is akin to 'chance with an unseen plan') play a big role in who knows who. Timing, as they say, is everything. Along with 'who you knew' in a success story, is the uncanny piece of timing and circumstance that brought the two of you together in the first place. Included in this model of the 'chance' meeting are most marriages and friendships.


But is there a way to move yourself towards more favorable circles?

Probably not by trying. We're all familiar with the character in stories who yearns entry into a certain clique only to remain an outsider, often re-enforcing the exclusivity of the group itself. Conscious striving in this area causes one to overcompensate. Their motives become embarrassingly clear and they remain shunned.


(#293) PowerCircle uses the discrete maneuverings of the subconscious mind to change timing and circumstance from one thing to something else. The change is subtle, just like the tiny repositioning of a canon will cause a projectile to land far from the original target.


The scripting is designed to implement a set of overall conditions for the results of two events, movement (either here, there, on the way in between) and when that movement happens.


It's actually barely a challenge using subliminal command techniques because while a lot of random subconscious programming is in place, most of it doesn't direct this particular topic! Frequency of exposure can then establish a fresh point in the subconscious and it begins working into consciousness and everyday life.



How do preference changers work in altering my choices?

It's easy AND you actually do something
Driver Subliminals and Preference Changers and what they do.
We're surrounded by machines that make us exercise, machines that do our work for us, and with the arrival of the PC, machines that even do some of our routine thinking for us.

It only follows that we should extend this automated model to include personal transformation.

After all, we have access to the intellectual part of the collected wisdom of centuries. In the technical arena: mind machines, subliminal programs and 'pit -stop' solutions to long carried emotional cargo are not only common but when applied with skill, effective.


In every case, technology is meant to provide a release for the human who otherwise would have to perform that specific task. With the advances in technologies we're faced with a choice we didn't have before: What to do with the extra time!

Predictably, because of the range and freedom found in human nature some will use the extra time for something big, and others will do nothing at all.


It's this 'doing' that driver subliminals work with while the 'wanting to do' is effected by Preference Changers.


Change that happens at the core level does have a way of showing up in the outside world. Sometimes though, as in all nature, INTENTIONS THEMSELVES are a matter of the survival of the fittest.


If we were to put on white smocks and call this an Intention Fitness Quotient, how would yours measure up?
If you're a normal modern westerner (well, you ARE reading this on the internet in English aren't you?) chances are you fall into one of the two groups discussed below:




From early on, we associate some tasks with pleasure and some with pain. We do this however REGARDLESS of the actual outcome as it relates to pleasure and pain.


Take for example someone who is bored with their job, but otherwise feels fine, goes through a normal day but can't wait to leave work so they can voluntarily plunge themselves into a night of terror after they've gotten intoxicated. Their ideas, the invisible components that led them to make these choices, were under the illusion that 'work' was a painful task but whatever followed that evening was 'pleasure' when in fact the opposite turned out to be true. Not just once but over and over! Yet the 'idea' of which choice would bring pleasure and which pain overtook the experience every time.


Attached to these ideas of 'which produces which' is almost everything influential that has ever happened to us.


Limitations on the actual pleasure 'allowed', how often we 'should' be happy and all of these conditions placed on our choices create a protocol of how we believe we must live. Even though change is longed for.


Driver Subliminals and Preference Changers go for the weak point in this link as part of the solution. And there is a weak point... it's in how the task is defined.


Far from being a closed option, HOW a task is viewed is one of the most unique elements of being human although it's complicated by the same accumulation of ideas as mentioned above.


It's what makes one person look forward to running 5 miles after work and another look forward to watching television. For either of them, doing the other would be faced with dread.

Take the light bulb for instance. Not a complex item. But for Thomas Edison it provided a challenge because it didn't exist. He gave this task of creating it the same attention, curiosity and time that another person would devote to something else. But before any of this happened, he believed that inventing, for whatever reason, was a pleasure choice he was making. Otherwise he could have never completed the task. Inventing, simply put, is what he PREFERRED to do.

Preference alteration is heart of the history of subliminal techniques. From preferring to go get snacks during the movie to changing preference for a different diet/lifestyle/self-belief system altogether, it's the one point where humans can be the most easily guided at the subliminal level.


In the end, what you do is what you believe brings you pleasure, with some consideration as to how much pleasure you're comfortable with [see SaboClear(#291)] .


With Driver Subliminals instead of stopping the production line of your life to make you see that certain choices bring pain, other choices are highlighted as bringing pleasure.


Starving negative beliefs by removing their behavioral host


As these new choices are actually CHOSEN again and again, a pattern of improvement is set up.


The belief leeches (or even, behavioral leeches), if we could call them that, have never had the chance to attach themselves to the new choice, so when the frequency of this new choice exceeds the old choice, the previous negative belief structure has no where to attach itself in the mind OR the real world and it GOES AWAY!


Are there times when a long held negative belief can be so ingrained that it's attached to more than one behavioral pattern, manifesting 'somewhere else' in your life?


Yes, of course.


But as each 'outlet' for a negative construct is demolished with new ones in place, the amount of mental and emotional support for that construct is reduced. Eventually, the old negative belief dies out in the same way a flame is extinguished for lack of air.


Often, at "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" we get reports from customers who purchased a title for one specific reason but on the way to that being achieved other things happened.


It's because the old structures in the mind have to be carried out at some point to make room for the new ones and I'm sure many of you reading this know immediately what I'm talking about.

Driver Subliminals and Preference Changers are the most common script types used at "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003". They're basic, they manifest the most quickly, and they can have you on the road to something totally different at lot quicker than you may think.


Examples include
(#101) Weight Loss, which creates a preference for fresh foods over junk food.
(#402) VeggieTrans which creates a preference for food other than meat.
(#298) MiserMaker which creates a preference for saving money
(#410) SublimiCoach & (#278) Crosstraining/Athletics which create desires for exercise
(#415) Spring Cleaning, which drives a strong desire for a 'cleared out', organized environment and several others.

Additionally, many other titles may contain script information that works on the preference level in addition to other techniques discussed on our site.


Wrestling with the shadows of forgotten beliefs


CWO: When you program a number of commands into a script in order to accomplish something not all of the actual commands may be known. We talk about this a lot on our web site because it's good that someone not be able to set up their own conscious resistance ahead of time.


Once the behavior patterns in an individual start to change, there can be a number of measuring points along the way where you can see things happen. When someone reports a specific effect that was in the script, but otherwise unknown to them on the conscious level, I call it a flare event. It was the only way, at first that I had confirmation that was I was doing was really working.



IGT: These flare events, as you call them. They were important in the development of "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003"?


C.W.O. Yes, vital. It wasn't like I had the backing of major research funding back in the 80's where I could experiment on hundreds of people via what would be the established scientific community. I knew if I got the results to start coming in the whole thing would be either suppressed or controlled in some negative way anyway, so I didn't care that I didn't have some official help in determining whether I was doing something with a real outcome or not.


IGT: What were the early Flare Events like?


CWO: My favorite example is an early version of what we now call (#101) which changes your preference to fresher foods. The first person to use one became enamored with fresh strawberries, not only as part of her diet but as applied art all over where she lived. Strawberry candles, curtains, calendar. It seemed extreme but here was a result that nothing in my mind could argue with any longer. Prior to using the program she didn't have any desire for strawberries.


She wasn't aware, either, that fully half of the program was dedicated to getting her to want strawberries.


For me, it was like a flare went off in the dark to show where something was happening that I thought was remarkable. My confidence, after over a year of working with the technology, was boosted greatly. After several of these events the results we could achieve really took off.


IGT: (#101) doesn't still make people like strawberries does it?


CWO: Not specifically no. It does create a preference for fresher foods, which is an important part of weight control.


IGT: Flare events are still happening?


CWO: Yes. I've gotten reports in the last several weeks, oddly enough, all about some of the same titles. I don't want to be too specific because some of these events are an important phase in those titles doing what they do. But personally, it's one of the most exciting things that can happen in my day is to hear that somewhere thousands of miles from me someone has begun acting upon information that they could have ONLY gotten from "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" on the subliminal level.


IGT: What does this kind of information do for the placebo aspect that critics of subliminal messaging focus on so much?


CWO: It turns it upside down. It isn't like I call these people daily and say "See, such and such just happened, I guess you're wrong", but slowly I'm seeing for myself what I believe one day will be common knowledge about this technology. In a way what I'm privy to here makes me feel selfish, but the evolution of the technology into the mainstream can only occur at the rate it can bear.


IGT: The mainstream professional community is changing how they feel about subliminal messaging?


CWO: More and more. It was snake oil when I started in 1988. Now, every week I'm hearing from either psychological professionals, students, various type of doctors. Of course the holistic community is going to see this as valid before the mainstream, but it's coming around.


IGT: Getting back to the placebo effect, how much of a role does it play?


CWO: Intention to transform yourself can cause you to focus on any number of things as a symbol to that change. When that happens, the placebo effect is present to some degree. I've just read an interesting piece on the net by a college professor, he actually gave us a link to our web site, about the effects of placebo on change. His assertions about subliminal messaging were completely wrong and took into account research that even to a casual observer looked flawed from the start. What interested me is that while he felt obliged to 'debunk' many of the alleged tools of the placebo effect, he was full of praise for the results of what happens when the mind believes it's getting medicine.


This is all well and good that our minds can and do step in and make up for some lack of chemical reaction. But I am responsible to point out that what we do goes beyond placebo. Will you focus on your 'desire' for change more if every day you're getting into a habit of putting in a program and playing it?


Of course you will.


But intention alone does NOT explain the flare events that occur, nor does it explain the cases of accidental programming we are quick to caution users about.
[in accidental programming, a family member or coworker exposed to a program on a daily basis also becomes programmed, regardless of their intent or whether or not they're informed of the content of the program heard.]


What we believe and what we do about it.


It's a symbiotic relationship. Each keeps the other 'alive' in terms of activity that starts somewhere with an internally applied dialog and ends with a behavioral choice, even if the choice is conditioned at an advanced enough level to have become a reflex, never to be included in a mental discussion about logic or unsuitability.


Once a belief becomes the paradigm in the mind for a certain set of circumstances the behavior follows. Attempts to remove the pattern either seem to fail or are met with anxiety if they begin to succeed.


Like a hidden curse or an invisible germ, beliefs can lie consciously forgotten deep in our mind, propelling the strangest or most destructive of behaviors.


If an actual preference/craving for something 'other than' the normal behavior becomes so frequent as to overtake the previous behavior, the belief that was fueling the first behavior begins to be replaced with another belief construct to match the new behavior.


At this point, the forgotten belief, consciously hidden but subconsciously driving the first behavior begins to fade in the subconscious and exerts less and less influence on behavior.


The exception to this point being when the same or a similar belief is also at the root of another behavior.



Belief/Behavioral Packaging

Just as older more complex belief structures were formed at random and then attached to behavioral manifestations, new preferences can come 'packaged' with their own underlying belief structures at the core of the paradigm.


Using subliminal programming, behavioral preference can be addressed directly and almost in mass.


Uprooting the original belief isn't necessary because the new behavior can either bring it's own root, or will in time of practice, develop one at random in response to the new behavior. This last point is fortunate and makes this method possible because often the original cause cannot even be identified, i.e. the belief has been forgotten in consciousness.


All of our choices are informed to some extent by a mixture of seeking pleasure tempered by how much comfort we are willing to allow ourselves based on self-worth. [see SaboClear(#291)]


Those two things depend on the initial ideas we have about the world around us.


We don't get to decide most of this early exposure to the world. It comes randomly from adults and whatever circumstance we were born into.


Then we collect memory, which converts itself into response in such a unique way that it varies from everyone around us exposed to pretty much the same initial stimulus or message.


Making the choice to 're-program' still sounds like science fiction to some people.


But after the model of how our behaviors are tied to what we believe (regardless of logic, experience or even conscious memory of that original belief) is understood, then making the changes becomes only the challenge of carefully used technologies that can interact with our senses, such as the sound wave.


Using language and, through sound, peripheral entry to the subconscious can be achieved, thus setting the new preferences which supersede the previous ones based on desire and frequency of acting them out.


The two edged swords of belief
and where they come from


To understand the power of belief gone mad, look at the case of Anorexia.


Someone believes they are gaining weight at an increasing rate when in fact they are starving themselves. While medical science is looking for the chemistry that makes this happen, and may have found it in things like zinc therapy, where the chemistry always becomes volatile is at the point of belief (when it reaches into the subconscious and conscious mind) and how that belief is acted upon.


This is an extreme example that medical science has defined recently and is working to solve. In the past, they'd just say the person had 'gone crazy'.


In a lesser context, our own version of 'crazy' are the things that keep us from being what we all say we want to be, which is happy (also open to interpretation or illusory definition).

And in the case of every extreme response, there lies this element of a belief that something is either real or has the immediate and dangerous potential of being real.



It's a natural method we have for using some of our memory to evaluate the world whether those memories are accurate or not or regardless of whether what is remembered was ever accurate to begin with. In most cases, it serves us well.


Your belief that you'll be on the street drives you to get out of bed and go to work. Your belief that you are responsible for someone else can enable you to do all kinds of impossible things to look after their needs. Your belief that you can make a difference in your time and place can deliver even more powerful results. Belief can be a positive explosion. But it can also become a trap if it contains the wrong message.


Negative beliefs are what drive negative behaviors. They may be tied to an illusion so strong that the chain seems unbreakable, doesn't even seem negative, or they may be completely false to the rest of the world, but they can exist despite their basis in destruction or their complete lack of logic.


Belief, fully developed through practice, becomes reflex.


It is the sought end result of every system of training, whether it is spiritual, military, business or something more personal. On the agenda of every culture is the early training of their children.


"When Reflex Comes, the Beliefs can be Forgotten"


Once the reflex is established, whatever dialog initially created the reflex can be entirely or partially omitted from memory. It's no longer needed.

This is WHY most personal behaviors CANNOT be consciously tied to a specific childhood event.


It's also the reason why going after the preference can reset these 'forgotten beliefs' by overpowering the mind with a preference for a new behavior mode and new beliefs that follow which the old beliefs can't fit into.


Slipping into the Mature Mental Fortress

The conscious mind as fortress of protective mechanisms.


Because adults cannot function well as skeptics in a deceptive environment as can children, at some magic age, or over a period of time each one of us became 'set' in how we reacted.


It depended upon what was going on during previous critical 'programming' moments from who-knows-which of the days of our childhood.

How you 'reach in' to reset anything in the subconscious has been, in many languages and using many models, at the root of any philosophical inquiry into the nature of being human and our desire to transform some part of that for thousands of years.

Ritual, the original form of theater, once provided a powerful enough alteration of the immediate environment so as to 'trance' its way into the subconscious to implant beliefs and strengthen them. When ritual would become reflex, the results were fantastic, and in most of the developing nations of the world the cultural exposure to ritual is still a source of transformative power.

Modern People = Filtered Minds


More technologically advanced cultures such as Europe and the West have in general responded to a more information packed environment by shutting down the ability to be effected by the most lavish of theatrical productions or the most cherished of rituals.


Our senses have adjusted NATURALLY to the onslaught of persuasive techniques and the freedom of so much expression of opinion which comes our way in a day.

Subliminal programming works whether you know it's there or not... just like the FIRST time you were programmed.


It isn't intent dependent. If it was, it would be useless to Madison Avenue.

Because you can invest your efforts in the change itself and not the foundation or the reason for the change, subliminal programming is even MORE powerful when used as a transformative tool.

This is why subliminal programming is a choice more and more people are turning to. It isn't so much a desire to bypass a long and tedious 'working at' something, although often this is the case.

It's frequently an inner sense that says none of the other ways to solve something have worked, or even appear to have a chance of working anymore.

It's also a solution that allows you to be more specific. If you have low self-esteem for instance, you don't need to adopt a whole new view of the world that comes with an entirely new system of thought... you just need higher self-esteem.

As new behaviors are driven by subconsciously altered preferences and new underlying beliefs about these preferences are formed, we have the ability to move into new directions that were off limits under our old views and beliefs.


Following the thirst for Learning

Have you ever noticed how some people love to learn and go on to create new solutions to problems whereas others who study only to pass the test are doomed to a life of rubber-stamping and boring jobs?


The willingness to adapt to new situations and create new opportunities has as a basis a genuine attraction to the learning curve, an anticipation of excitement at the prospect of learning something new.


The second phase in this area is to take the new material and apply it to whatever is before you. It can be a direct application, i.e. now that I've learned to repair an electric can opener, I'm going to repair an electric can opener. More abstract applications utilize more creativity such as; I've learned to repair an electric can opener and I'm going to use that to fix the electric sunroof on my car! While the skill doesn't transfer directly, whatever is learned is used as a basis for figuring out something else.


This occurs in self-improvement circles also. You may start simply by trying to stick to a better diet and end up including aerobics in your approach to better health. In your aerobics class you meet someone who is there because they feel the program will make them a better kick boxer and they invite you to a class for that sport which you develop a new interest in and learn. Before you know it you've not only given up red meat, but you can kick a hole in a wall without thinking.


Being open to learn one new thing always puts you in an area where there are other opportunities for expansion. While intention/desire play an initial role, being open to learning is key in any new horizon. Whether this learning is traditional and takes you from step one to ten, or more internal and harder to define into a 'lesson format', learning and growth have always gone together in the human condition. You may have developed a common attitude to learning that isn't positive.


The wrong kind of pressure from parents & teachers can make learning harder than it is and turn the most potentially exciting personal discoveries into material that is simply forced into the brain so it can be repeated by rote in response to test questions. After a long enough period, learning becomes associated with this negative approach and soon, all learning becomes something you avoid as an adult. Even the willingness to accept anything new is viewed with a sense of dread and labor.


This is the point of 'know' (no)return for a lot of people and they don't even allow new thoughts or ideas to disrupt a mind long silenced to the prospect of 'new information'.


An example here would be a student, bored by a lesson in biology. All of a sudden, he hears a buzzing over by the window and spends the next twenty minutes watching wasps build a nest outside of the window. Distracted and entertained by the insect show at the window, he doesn't realize until he gets back to his text book that part of the lesson was about what he just observed. Yet it was so much for entertaining when it became real apart from the book.


NewData/4.0 helps to adjust your imagination level where information becomes entertaining to the degree that you're captivated by it. This is true 'info-tainment'!


NewData/4.0 is, as the name implies, intended to open up learning centers in all of your life and also enable you to 'fit in' with more traditional approaches to learning that involve testing after the new material is digested. While memory plays a huge role in this, we've all heard that we remember 'what we want'. When we're bored or the information doesn't seem relevant beyond 'required learning', we tend to forget.


Focusing on three vital learning centers, this title steps in and assist you in making a preference transition.


But even more importantly, this title is a preference changer. Preference changing scripts are among the easiest to implement subliminally.


We've included suggestions that actually make you prefer to study. You won't become a bookworm, but your focus will be directed towards study either for the duration of your formal education, or the duration of the learning project you're involved in.


Your literature mentions program one (#001) blocking out advertising subliminals. If they work so quickly in the confines of a one minute commercial, why does it take a month or so for subliminal programming to influence an individual ?


We wish that all subliminal programming worked as quickly as what works in advertising because we could honestly tell you that change will come even faster than it already does. Two factors are at work in comparing the subliminal messages of Madison Avenue with the types of messages we program. First, subliminal advertising works like regular advertising in the sense that you need to be exposed to it repeatedly for it to have full effect. Major advertisers can afford to make this happen because they can expose you to their tricks over a period of years to endear you to their products, thus creating brand loyalty. Secondly, more exposure is needed to reprogram deep behavioral cycles in a some ones personality than to persuade you to use a particular shampoo or soft drink. A subliminal programmer/re-programmer is switching out large chunks of core cycles in the subconscious. The advertiser is only looking for market positioning in your memory, in hopes that you will make one isolated choice over another. How long it takes for a subliminal message to take effect has a lot to do with the goal of the message, how willing the subject already is, and a whole strata of personal biochemical factors we call environmental factors.


The Science of Personal Change

Subtle assignments for a powerhouse of personal belief systems


Has faith, all encompassing refuge of security that it is, gotten fewer and fewer 'job assignments' over the years?


It wasn't long ago that fervent prayer, and even further back lots of folklore was associated with every case of illness, incident of travel, stage of life and even severe weather.


Although serious illnesses, long journeys and milestones in our lives may still be punctuated by either prayer or at least a 'belief' of some kind in a positive outcome, science seems to have relieved us of the uncertainty of the common cold, thunderstorm and short journeys once considered high risk. We operate at a level of trust in our cars, buildings, Doctors and so forth, that would seem inadvisable to someone from our recent past who didn't have experience with the benefits of this degree of science.


This is a good time for us to be addressing this issue at "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" because of the release of 'Serenity' (#441), a subliminal messaging program based on a prayer familiar to most of us.


"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference."


[For more info on this title, see 'Serenity' (#441) linked from our Catalog]


I remember both my early exposure to this prayer as a child, but also how, just as clearly, my curiosity was approached sometime in the last year as to the degree of 'willingness' of people who had regarded the prayer with respect and memory space, to actually BECOME the vessel for these 3 traits. It's handy for a concept but how often do we hear it's taken place on a drastic level? Have you ever heard anyone pray "Thanks for the Serenity, Courage and Wisdom. It's even more awesome than I imagined!" ? Me either....


I'm not doubting the ability of God to answer prayer, just our willingness to ask for these as if we expect them and sincerely see them as close at hand. Although asking is better than not asking for such great abilities, expecting them on the personal level takes a lot that's often blocked by the 'other' type of belief, which we call doubt (more about the anti-faith later).


While I've always known what prayer and faith can do, I've also seen people who were so thwarted by their early experiences with Theology that they were reluctant to engage in prayer no matter what the benefit! As always, one question created several more for me to consider.


It became clear however that since "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" focuses a lot on the implementation of personal traits, these would be commonly understood traits which, in combination, would be powerful in causing transformations to occur in the way a person understood WHICH reactions to their world were proper WHEN.


It isn't that people don't accept things, or that they don't have an occasional outburst of incredible bravery, it's that the timing is often wrong. We even have names for this when it's NOT appropriate.... passivity and bravado!


So does faith get replaced in the personal realm of inner growth with subliminal messaging, one of the last areas where faith has, until now, been the primary tool?


Well, first of all, our modern society has already started the process with chemicals. Quitting tobacco no longer requires the willpower it once did, just attach a patch to your arm. Drinking and other vices have similar chemical solutions for 'treatment'. These were once areas where hard-chined determination and a strong faith were the only remedies. Depressed? No need to develop an inner spiritual balance... just get a prescription. Dangerous desires are treated with heavy drugs. While the long-term effects of some of these solutions may be as negative as what they solve, we still have used our scientific labs to provide the kind of 'instant miracle' solution so popular in western culture.


And now we're offering something that seems like it replaces one of the most classic prayers of Christendom. But that's not the whole picture...


These solutions are positive for both those who have faith and those who don't:


It became simple - the more I considered it that people without faith at this time in their lives, may be able to clear a path 'to faith', or at least to a healthier balance in believing better outcomes were possible, by having these solutions delivered in a subliminal mode.


In a way, almost every title in our catalog is the solution to something that would have once required a Priest of some kind, regardless of the culture or religion, 100 years ago or more!


Those WITH a strong sense of religious, personal or philosophical faith have more options when they have tools that assist in the same goals. You can either use these tools in conjunction with your faith or you can use the tools and 'free up' your energy of belief for something bigger and deeper than whatever the tool is working on!


People with strong beliefs already do this when they trust modern scientific solutions that once would have required them to fall back on faith alone. You take medicine, wear a seat belt, and so on, even if under your breath you are praying or believing for the identical result the tool is intended to provide.


And like any subliminal program, it's always great when you pair a title with other actions which are pointed in the same direction. In the case of many of our titles, part of the method is to subliminally direct you to these helper actions.


While wisdom, courage, and serenity are left to be defined by the individual, we are all empowered more when we act along these lines, regardless of different shades of meaning. Believing we don't know when to 'be' what, we are doomed to stay in the dark.


I think the most important aspect of our lives is reaching the balance where what we believe is powerful, and what we do follows. But what about the outset of this process? So many are in a catch-22: they could believe they were strong had they 'done' something they consider strong in recent memory. I know this doesn't fit the traditional concept of faith that requires an absence of any 'proofs', but there are several stages of faith and this is the first one.


While faith will continue to play a role in the lives of thousands, those who have problems using belief as an actual tool will find subliminal messaging serves them well. By solving your immediate and pressing problems, you actually become more able to believe in a positive perspective and this naturally leads to more success. If you still believe you have 'no faith', please read on, I'll show you where I think it's hiding.


"the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" titles do NOT program for any religious ideas anymore than a pill is loaded to cause you to attribute the healing to God. Yet healed, the credit goes wherever you believe it should.


What we offer instead is a means for people of weakened faith to attain goals easier (thus increasing their chances of exploring deeper truths later) and those of great faith with a tool to increase their focus into a specific area.


After all, there are spiritual events and phenomenal events. The first is often experienced personally, while the latter is something we can all see happening. They are connected. Sometimes so tightly that the lines blur... but again, it's often a personal distinction.


Once phenomena is present, faith isn't required. It's here. Instead of believing you need to make changes, the changes occur. When you're doing them, there is nothing to believe. I've noticed that people seeking to transform themselves generally have a good deal of belief in the fact that they can achieve it.


Then they seek the tools.


Like the seat belt and the prescription from your Doctor, we're not trying to support your believing as much as we are your 'seeing' and experiencing it first hand, on every level but especially the one called reality.


FAITH... why we ALL have it in some form

No Matter how little 'Faith' you think you have, you're always believing something... even that! Faith cannot be entirely escaped by anyone who makes decisions involving the least bit of uncertainty.


I once heard a Minister say that faith and doubt were pretty much the same thing. Doubt was just faith in the wrong direction. If you turn this over and over in your mind later on it may become, as it did eventually for me, a revelation about what we are willing to 'believe', why we believed it in the first place and how it determines our actions. This process is at the root of ALL attempts to capture the human whim and control it for whatever purpose. Nearly every decision you make requires some degree of trust in what will probably occur.


While subliminal programming requires no 'faith' in it to work (it would be useless to Madison avenue advertisers if this was the case), it does change WHAT you believe, and therefore, what you do.


We have a preference for certain choices based to a degree in what we believe is the 'right way' to act and react and I think that's what the Minister referred to in the above statement. What those 'beliefs' or explanations tell us about our world is party nature and partly nurture... LOTS of nurture it seems.


The Cosmic and the Local: Finding the Remote for your Brain

A quick and tidy metaphor for this discussion is that of our modern dish television setups:


Here you have this delicate instrument poised just beyond the planet transmitting (with entirely NO content judgment I might add) whatever pictures and sounds, which become thoughts, to equally amazing but slightly less advanced dishes in backyards. Left unattended on a random setting with discongruent channel flipping, there is no telling what you would be forced of observe on your monitor. Yet once control is gained with the remote and something like a 'map' for what programs are where is discovered, you can use it to inspire and enlighten yourself or to observe incidents of police intervention in domestic violence in a faraway city. No matter what your choice, your period of choice starts ONLY when you have the right tool and some sense of the options that tool can deliver.


While 'Belief' as a power is for humankind as cosmic as radiation, it ALWAYS gets assigned a channel on the LOCAL SYSTEM... in this case YOUR MIND!


What's in there may be a group of people constantly flipping the channels or making choices you don't want. But it seems 'stuck' in that mode from way way back.


I hope we can keep offering our tools to people on deeper and deeper levels of development, and really, I can't imagine that given time "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" could do anything but that. But replace Belief and the power of faith? While we might refocus some of it, it's still something you will always have and hopefully, in fuller and fuller portions that point in the best possible direction.


Subliminal Correspondences: What titles go well together? What Order should I listen to the titles in if I have bought multiple titles?

Some subliminal programs go well in sequence, or together, as part of a larger program of personal change.


Even though "the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" now packages some specific subliminal titles, as our different series, under different categories, we encourage our clients to design their own sequences and combinations.

"the former company of the man that created and produced these audios before 2003" customers are people who are drawn instinctively to knowing what they need to do to change different parts of their lives.

You trust us to make the programs, we trust you to know what you need.

To start you thinking, here are a couple of examples of titles that go well together:

Someone who uses Ringgrabber/Fast Lane (#276), a strong driver subliminal, may benefit from balancing their pace with TidalWave/BlissGenerator (#275). Our programs are not designed to conflict.

As for sequencing programs, certain customers may elect to complete a month with Confidex/Lion Mind(#282), which restores any natural confidence levels which may have been thwarted in your subconscious background , before moving on to Sales/Commerce(#277)
Obviously, titles like Attractor/Magnet(#279), which assist in attracting a partner, can be best followed by Lasting Affection/Glue(#280), designed to increase commitment.


Soft low volume white noise conceals powerful subliminal messages. Click here to hear a thirty-second sample of our sound mask [this download contains NO subliminal messages, a new window will open on your PC].


Repeated exposure brings life changing results. Here is your chance to call the shots in your own life. Thousands of happy users already know about the power of this technology. You can join them starting whenever you want.......click here.